Command Button - To Open Outlook

Sharon Hague

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:22
Jul 10, 2003
Hi All

Is it possible to create a command button in a form to open Outlook Express Calendar and another to open my inbox to create new mail?

Please advise.


You might be able to do this with the command button wizard, using the "Run Application " option and entering the command line.

Thanks for your reply.

This does work through the wizrd but I want it to automatically open the calendar or a new mail message with out me having to select i.e Inbox then create new mail message or Calendar from the left hand side.

Is this not possible?

Please advise.

For mailing I use a seperate command button in the hyperlink I put SUBJECT.
Laxing 22

Thanks for you reply.

Quick question - can this be used for for internal e-mailing - not external?
This may be what you need.
(Originally written by Arvin Meyer)




Good to hear from you again, however I can't open your attachement.

Once it has been downloaded and I try to open it, it comes up with a message saying that it is an unrecognized database format and then the path.

Any advice what to do.


Ancient One

This would be brilliant if it worked and is exactly what i am looking for.

However, when I click on any of the items in the Choose outlook form, there is a problem with the coding.

It displays a message as follows: -

Public function StartOutlook() is highlighted in yellow, then further down, the following is displayed: -

Set objItem = spObj.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

The (olAppointmentItem) part of the above is highlighted in blue.

Could this be due to different Outlooks being used?

Can you advise what I need to change?
Sorry Sharon, but I just converted IMO's file to 97 format. I didn't look at it at all. The code is breaking at error because it is not seeing an expected object. That's all I can say without further investigation.
Make sure you have a reference set for 'Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library'.

OK, Open the form in design view. Goto View >> Code. Then Goto Tools >> References.Scroll down the list until you come to 'Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library'. Select it (with the check box on the left) and Click OK. Close the Editor and the Form Saving if asked. Now reopen the form.
That should do the trick!

Morning IMO

I have tried what you have said above but I don't have Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library in my list, however I do have the following:-

1) - Microsoft Outlook 8.0 Object Model
2) - Microsfot Outlook Express 5.0 type library.

When I try ticking the first it comes up with a message "Name conflicts with existing module, project or object library.

The 2nd comes up with "Error in loading DLL"

Any suggestions?

Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday, ISP probs. Attached is the .olb file for 'Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library'. Unzip it and place it in your Windows\System Directory. Then go back to references and click on Browse. Select it and add it to the list. That should do the trick. Let me know how you get on.





I have added the above and brilliant it works a treat.

Thank v much.

Speak to you soon.

Glad it's working, speak soon

Last edited:
Sharon Hague said:
Laxing 22

Thanks for you reply.

Quick question - can this be used for for internal e-mailing - not external?

Used for either - you add what you wish for the send to option - I use it for internal use but I place the external address in (not the short name for internal apps)
This is exactly what I've been looking for. I don't need the forms like they are here... would cause me to re-write quite a bit of stuff I have working. I just need the code to attach to a button to open outlook alone.

I want a form with a buttin that says Open Outlook. When they click it... it opens outlook.

These two files are the closest I have come to it. Can you help me out too??

Thx much!!

I can't use runapp or shell either because I have multiple users that have outlook installed in different drives. I always get a call from someone with an error msg.

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