Yearly Attendance Tracker/Calendar

The change had been made and is still not calculating :(
I searched all modules and could not find anything else to change.
Still here and using this at work on a regular basis. Give it a go and let me know if you have any problems

Dyfink. Missed your post. can't find the files. Must have cleaned it my Google drive and deleted them. I will see if I can find what u did to put the color in the table.

No problem. I figured it out. It was a really good idea. I ended up needing to understand how the code was working anyway because I also made some changes to add Holidays, hire dates and termination dates to the calendar for perspective. (They aren't perfect, yet.) I also added the ability to enter a string of event across a number of day. For example if someone is taking a week vacation you only have to enter "Vacation" and the reason once.

And of course the best part of doing this tracking in Access instead of buying a program or paying for a cloud program is combustibility. I managed to get it to import Employees, Absences, and Vacation or Personal days (based on paychecks).

Again, thanks oxicottin for an awesome database,
ok, if you change the attendancecode in tblcalinput you also need to change the color details in module basYearView under loadReportCalendar to match those new codes you have in tblcalInput or the calendar view does not display any color markers for the days in question.

the limitation I have found is having hours for one type of leave and days for the other, it would mean two types of tracking data for each staff member. not a big deal but a little more work. I have found hours works pretty well but as Rach wanted days I changed it all over.

The version below is just the standard download by oxicottin and i added the time tracking to it.

Just be aware of the date issue like I put in post #45 if you have system setting to US date format then you won't have any issues, if you do it will take a little bit of work to sort. mostly for the inputbox that comes up when you click on a date for entering data.

This is a great database. I made changes to the colors in the basYearView module and it the colors show on the report, but the form is not showing the colors. The form itself either shows no color or it shows as black.
Can you help me with that?
This is a great database. I made changes to the colors in the basYearView module and it the colors show on the report, but the form is not showing the colors. The form itself either shows no color or it shows as black.
Can you help me with that?

I forgot about the form colors, try the Public sub SetCalendar in the frmCalendar form. It needs the same names and colors as in basYearView.

After some sleep, it became clear that as beautiful as the db was designed, I would like to use rptyearview. So, qryYearView works fine as I do get appropriate results.

My issues are now:
1. a prompt for the parameter inputdate comes up and I can't see where it is coming from

2. when I open up the rptYearView, the below in red states VBA compile error, variable is not defined. I am just not sure what/where I have to define it.

Please help - I don't want to sleep on it again and come up with some other braniac idea that I don't need it at all LOL!

Thanks much - osmosisgg

Function getCalendarData() As Boolean
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strDate As String
Dim strCode As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim UserID As String
Dim LeaveDateFrom As String
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef 'sunday

Dim i As Integer​

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryYearView")
qdf("employeehours.employee") = employeehours.employee
qdf("employeehours.year") = employeehours.Year

Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset()​

Set colCalendarDates = New Collection
With rs
If (Not .BOF) Or (Not .EOF) Then
End If

If .RecordCount > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .RecordCount
strDate = .Fields("leavedatefrom")
strCode = .Fields("AttendanceCode")

colCalendarDates.Add strCode, strDate
Next i
End If
End With
'// return date collection
Set rs = Nothing
End Function​
Ok- I found where the prompt for the parameter inputdate came from - it was was in the group and sort. I removed it.

I am still having issues with define variable.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Sorry everyone. Been flat out with work due to xmas. Will see what I can do to help but not a lot of time. Might have to leave it until the new year.
I am hoping to use the attendance tracker posted by Oxicottin. However, our holiday year runs from September to August. I need to change it so that vacation days left in the year are calculated correctly. Is there an easy way to do this?
Many thanks
To everyone who used my old attendance DB. I have a new version which is completely different come take a look...

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I am trying to download this database as it's exactly what I have been looking for. Is there any way that you can email it to me? It's still waiting for approval and I want to get started asap. I have to make a few changes to match my leave codes.
I am trying to download this database as it's exactly what I have been looking for. Is there any way that you can email it to me? It's still waiting for approval and I want to get started asap. I have to make a few changes to match my leave codes.

When you are able to download I just updated the database to 4.2.... today!
When you are able to download I just updated the database to 4.2.... today!

OK......I just tried again today and it's still pending approval. I think I will just download the older version so that I can get started. If you are able to email me the current version please do so at jguesman14 at Thanks!
Thanks oxicottin for the update. I love the option to have up to 5 concurrent attendance notes on the same day - modified in the form subformCalendarInputBox oncurrent() code.
I did have to enable the vertical scrollbar to be able to move down the page, either that or tabbed to the next record each time.

One thing that would be a nice option is to show the last 12 months and not a calendar year. The old version I made it so that the current month is the last on the screen ie. the bottom right.
Once I look through the code I am sure it will come to me.

Thanks again.

FYI - for those without Outlook v15 you may get errors with the code for sending an email and a missing reference in the VBA references. I commented out the code in mod_ShortcutMenuCommands Just comment out Public Function EmailAsPDF() and unticked the reference; at least you can view the database without error then.
Hi oxicottin,

I found your nice database and like it a lot, the only thing is that I still use access 2003 and would like to be able to make some changes to it. Is there a possibility to get the 2003 version unlocked so I can see how everything works? I want to learn and at the same time create something for my team based on your version.

Any possibility to get the unlocked version would be really great :-)

Thank you and greetings.
Hi oxicottin,

I found your nice database and like it a lot, the only thing is that I still use access 2003 and would like to be able to make some changes to it. Is there a possibility to get the 2003 version unlocked so I can see how everything works? I want to learn and at the same time create something for my team based on your version.

Any possibility to get the unlocked version would be really great :-)

Thank you and greetings.

megatronixs, the DB isnt locked you just have to hold the shift key down while opening to open the backend.

Attached is a 2003_v4.2.mdb Enjoy!
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FYI - for those without Outlook v15 you may get errors with the code for sending an email and a missing reference in the VBA references. I commented out the code in mod_ShortcutMenuCommands Just comment out Public Function EmailAsPDF() and unticked the reference; at least you can view the database without error then.

No need to comment out the code just change the Outlook reference to the version your using unless you don't want to send by Outlook then yes comment out. I have tested in 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 versions access. Enjoy!
I am very new to Access. I would like to modify Oxicottin's original attendance tracker to track student attendance rather than employee attendance. The greatest problem that I am having right now is changing the dates that currently track attendance for the calendar year to counting attendance from September through to the end of June.

Can anyone help me with new date codes?

I will include a sample section of code where I think that the date needs to change.

Public Sub PutInData()
Dim sql As String
Dim f As Form
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim mynum
Dim i As Integer

Set f = Forms!frmCalendar

For i = 1 To 37
f("text" & i) = Null
Next i

sql = "SELECT * FROM tblInput BETWEEN (((Format([InputDate],'m')) = " & f!CalMonth & " AND ((Format([InputDate],'yyyy')) = " & f!CalYear & ")" _
& " And ((UserID) = " & glngUserID & "))) ORDER BY InputDate;"

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenSnapshot)
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
For i = 1 To 37
If IsDate(f("date" & i)) Then
rs.FindFirst "inputdate=#" & f("date" & i) & "#"
If Not rs.NoMatch Then
f("text" & i) = rs!InputText
End If
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
Hi everyone,

Brand new to Access - please be gentle! Have started to explore this database - finding that January 2015 dates 02-12 incl(?) are coming up as Feb through December rather than the days in January.

Can anyone advise me where to start looking to sort this out?


Sorry I haven't had time to upload the new version and I will soon but here is a copy on my MediaFire... I use it in 2007 but it works in 07+.... A lot has changed I added a few things, the bottom of the pic is cut off because my laptop screen is small so I just clipped the top half. Enjoy!
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Great db oxycottin, Is there anyway that a date picker could be built in to enable you to select the dates of leave ie you could select two weeks off at same time

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