Drone Hysteria

if the current administration wasn't so compromised they could answer the drone questions, but sadly like the border they are compromised.
Moke, it seems to me that at least one of those drones used to be a supersonic transport. If we see THAT flying around, it probably IS a drone because unless I missed the resurrection, the entire SST fleet was mothballed.
Just to help people understand, drones have been around something like 100 years. Fairey Aviation was making them for military use (targets) in the 1930's. These were full size aircraft. The concept of them as tiny toys is very new.
What people are seeing, could it be one of these? ;););)

There is a minor problem. Evidently the drone is capable of speeds around 15,000 MPH. At that speed, it would be difficult to observe. Also, I doubt the drone would fly at low altitudes.
What people are seeing, could it be one of these? ;););)
View attachment 117574
There is a minor problem. Evidently the drone is capable of speeds around 15,000 MPH. At that speed, it would be difficult to observe. Also, I doubt the drone would fly at low altitudes.

The biggest problem with 15Kmph speeds at low altitudes is air friction. That was the killer of the YF12A and the SR71. They flew so fast that air friction and thermal expansivity made them a bit fragile. Worse, depending on how fast you cool them, things in the Mach 5+ range might not return to exact measurements. The spare parts wouldn't fit, either.
The truth behind the drone hysteria has been exposed! 😲
It's a false flag operation that is meant to sensitize us to the existence of intergalactic aliens. 👾:alien:
According to Greer there will be a "big" press release on this in the coming weeks. Shouldn't have to wait to long then.
Hopefully, the mother ship will be stopping by to pick me up. Been waiting for a long time. (Sorry, but I'm first in line @AccessBlaster)
Hopefully, the mother ship will be stopping by to pick me up.

Just remember that if they have a library of volumes and one of them is "To Serve Man" - it is not a book of charitable acts. It's a cookbook.

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