72 Fields on a MsAccess 2007 form (1 Viewer)

to separate comparison data for each group, but have now changed the layout to 5 Tabs on the sub form to analyze / display similar data groups.
I hope to import the data from our Excel Spreadsheets
Think about your data.

It sounds like you don't want tables that mimic the spreadsheets.

You have unique id's per row.

You have comparison groups

You then should have a comparison data table that has fields:
id (pk that has no meaning to you except for being a unique record identifier)
unique id (to identify the excel row inported)
comparison group (lookup id from comparison groups table)
comparison type/name (lookup id from comparisons table)
the actual data
- you don't say what the comparisons are, so you may need to also include fields for Compared1 and Compared2 (ie the 2 things being compared

So you will effectively have a table record/row for each individual Excel cell.

You can create the spreadsheet layout for your users to view the data using a crosstab query - remember, how you display your data should have no bearing on how you store your data.

Once you have your data in a more normalised form, then analysis of the data will be much more straightforward
Is this written by ChatGPT?
Thank you CheekyBuddha
Yes, you understand me better than my husband.
I am looking to display the data from our three Excel spreadsheets in a single Access form with a Subform that has tabs to organize the fields on the form. I now have 5 Tabs on the subform, with each tab showing data from one of the GROUPSs.
Each row on the Excel Spreadsheet are related,
Yes, we are preparing for the possibility of 72 different specific comparisons.
You will be far happier if you start by normalizing the schema rather than creating a huge repeating group of 72 columns. Make each attribute a row rather than a column and you will simplify your analysis dramatically. If you insist on the 72 virgins columns, I suggest you stick with Excel because you will be very unhappy with Access.
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I deliberately posted exactly what chatty said without alteration. My goal here was to demonstrate what you can accomplish with ChatGPT for people that are not yet familiar with its use... Answering this particular question offered a reasonably simple and self-explanatory look at the process....

Regarding this question on {AWF} Access World forums:-

Question - 72 Fields on a MsAccess 2007 form

I was using the ChatGPT Agent - MS Access Copilot and in this exchange I am UG - uncle gizmo

UG Said:-
Crystal an original poster has just asked this question:-

We have 3 Excel Spreadsheets with 24 columns on each sheet.

Can we have 72 fields containing this data for ONE item on a Ms Access 2007 form using Tabs?

Thank you.

UG Said:-
The question is very vague, very little information...

Reading between the lines I think she is asking if she can have a form with a Tab control with three tabs and on each Tab have 24 Fields.

That's my guess!

UG Said:-
What do you think my friend chatty?

ChatGPT said:
Hey there! 🤖🔧
I totally agree with your interpretation. It sounds like Crystal is trying to have a form in MS Access that shows data from three Excel spreadsheets, with 24 fields (columns) on each sheet. And she wants to organize this on a single Access form by using tabs, with each tab containing 24 fields—so, 3 tabs for a total of 72 fields.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

💡 Suggested Setup:

Tab Control: Add a Tab Control to the form. This control allows you to have multiple tabs in one form.
Tab 1: This will show the first 24 fields from the first spreadsheet.
Tab 2: This will show the second 24 fields from the second spreadsheet.
Tab 3: This will show the last 24 fields from the third spreadsheet.

You’ll need to ensure the tables or linked Excel files are properly designed, but it’s definitely feasible.

🛠 Steps to Create the Form with Tabs
Import or Link the Excel Data:
Either import the Excel sheets into Access tables or link to the spreadsheets. Ideally, each spreadsheet should have a table with 24 columns in Access.
Create a Query or Unified Table:
If all three sheets have data for one item (like different attributes of a single item), you’ll want to combine these tables into one using a query or a unified table.
Form Design:
Open a blank form and add a Tab Control from the toolbox.
Add three tabs—one for each spreadsheet's data.
In each tab, add text boxes and other controls as needed to display the 24 fields for that section.
Set Data Source:
Make sure each control on the tabs (like text boxes) is bound to the appropriate field from the query or table.

❗ Note: This should be done in a well-structured database. If the data in each of these spreadsheets is very different, there might be a better approach (such as splitting into related tables). However, if the data is all related to a single item and just too large for one form page, using tabs is a good way to manage the complexity.

Does that align with what you were thinking? Let me know! 😊

UG Said:-
I'm thinking how a subform on each tab displaying the data from each Excel sheet in data sheet mode then she will have practically exactly the same as she has already got!

ChatGPT said:
Ah, I see where you're going with this—great idea! 🤔💡

Using a subform on each tab in Datasheet View would give Crystal a nearly identical experience to what she’s used to in Excel, but within the more powerful framework of Access. Each subform could represent one of the Excel sheets, and she'd have the ability to view and edit the data as she does now, while leveraging Access's relational database features.

🛠 Here’s a step-by-step approach for this:
📝 Steps to Implement Subforms on Tabs

Import or Link the Excel Spreadsheets:

Either import the three Excel sheets into separate tables in Access or link them directly, so the data remains in sync with Excel. You’ll have three Access tables, each with 24 columns.

Create a Form with a Tab Control:

Add a Tab Control to your form with three tabs—one for each spreadsheet.
Each tab will have a subform that shows the relevant data.

Create a Subform for Each Excel Sheet:

Create three separate subforms based on the data in each of the imported or linked Excel tables.
Set the subforms to display in Datasheet View (in the subform's properties, go to the "Default View" and set it to "Datasheet").

Add Each Subform to the Corresponding Tab:

On Tab 1, add the subform for the first Excel table (spreadsheet 1).
On Tab 2, add the subform for the second Excel table (spreadsheet 2).
On Tab 3, add the subform for the third Excel table (spreadsheet 3).

Bind Each Subform to the Correct Data Source:

Make sure that each subform is correctly linked to the corresponding Excel table (or linked table) as its data source.
🎨 The Result:
Tab 1: Displays data from Excel Sheet 1 (24 columns) in datasheet view.
Tab 2: Displays data from Excel Sheet 2 (24 columns) in datasheet view.
Tab 3: Displays data from Excel Sheet 3 (24 columns) in datasheet view.

❗ Advantages of This Setup:

It closely mimics the layout and functionality Crystal is familiar with in Excel.
She’ll have the ability to filter, sort, and edit data just like in Excel but within the Access environment.
It’s much easier to manage multiple tables and forms in Access once the data is properly structured.

Do you think this solution will make it more intuitive for Crystal, since it'll feel very "Excel-like" but with the added benefits of Access? Let me know if you'd like more detailed instructions on any of the steps! 😊

UG Said:-
Could you write a reply to Crystal, I wouldn't answer her questions specifically just give a very broad overview of what we think is the best approach. And then try and Winkle out of her more information what should we ask her next?

ChatGPT said:
Absolutely, here’s a polite and broad response you could use to guide Crystal while encouraging her to provide more information. The aim is to suggest a practical approach without getting too technical, while also nudging her to clarify her requirements:

ChatGPT - Reply to Crystal:

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for your question! 😊 From what you’ve shared, it sounds like you're looking to organize the data from your three Excel spreadsheets into a single form in Access using tabs. We think an effective approach might be to create a form with three tabs, where each tab contains the data from one of the spreadsheets. This setup can help you view and manage all 72 fields easily.

Another option we’re considering is using subforms in datasheet view on each tab, which would make your form feel quite similar to how you’re working with the data in Excel now, while giving you the added benefits of Access. This way, each tab could represent one of your spreadsheets, and you can interact with the data as you would in Excel.

That being said, before diving deeper into the best solution, it would be helpful to know a bit more about how the data in your Excel sheets is structured and how you’d like to use it in Access:

❓ - Are the 3 spreadsheets related to the same item or data set (e.g., different aspects of the same records), or do they represent separate items? ❓ - How do you plan to work with the data in Access—will you mainly be viewing it, editing it, or using it for reporting and analysis? ❓ - Would you prefer to maintain the look and feel of Excel, or are you looking for a more customized interface?

Let us know a bit more about your needs, and we’ll be happy to recommend the best way forward!

Looking forward to hearing from you! 😊

This reply introduces the general concept of tabs and subforms, keeping it simple and understandable.
The three questions are designed to extract more information without being overwhelming:
To clarify if the spreadsheets are interconnected (this will help determine if they should be linked or treated as separate entities).
To understand how she plans to use the data, which will influence the form design.
To gauge her preference for either an Excel-like experience or something more tailored to Access.

Does this hit the mark? Let me know if you'd like to tweak anything! 😊

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Thank you Uncle Gizmo for your introduction to ChatGPT Agen.

Hi Crystal,

I did a YouTube video on pagination using subforms and tab controls.

It somewhat resembles your problem. However it is not the same, in that I assume you have three different sources of information whereas the pagination example I show uses the same source of data, but divided into three sets to establish the pagination look.

The YouTube video below takes you through how I developed the VBA code for this pagination form, and I suspect there might be some relevant code and ideas you might be able to employ in your solution....

Pagination - Nifty Access

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