A Father’s Bragging Rights.

lmnop7854 said:
People, People. The holiday season is beginning. Let's not all go off about opinions.

Jsanders, I can see where you would be annoyed by Colin's comments, but even though it's a thin line, I don't think he was criticizing your parenting skills. Personally, I don't believe in the "cash for grades" line of thinking either. But your daughter seems to have developed a sense of purpose and drive, and that's all good.

Ken, Rich and Colin, stop it. Don't keep the bad feelings going by just throwing back insults at each other. And don't whine about "he started it", because I am so not interested. Rise above.

I'm putting this thread back into it's rightful place by posting a nice picture of Haley, so you can all go "Awww" and forget about those last posts.



Hey Liza,

Actually I’m not annoyed, she (my daughter) never got much in the way of allowance, and she was not required to do much house works as well.

In both cases we may have been mistaken because to this day she is pretty miserable at house work. But my (our) fundamental concern has always been education. Even before she was born I knew that haves and the have nots were going to separate even further in our society; so she was rewarded for school work the same way she will be rewarded in life.

And basically house work should be done by hired people any way.
jsanders said:
And basically house work should be done by hired people any way.
yep, its girls work, as are all the domestic things. Washing, ironing, hoovering, bed making, car servicing, drain cleaning, gardening etc. Sometimes it can be 8:30 or 9pm before the tea's ready, but we darn't say anything.

Men are there to guard and protect the TV remote control and flick annoyingly between channels.

ColinEssex said:
Men are there to guard and protect the TV remote control and flick annoyingly between channels.


Hey!, I got permission to do that on my birthday, a great pressie:D

KenHigg said:
Typical rude response... :rolleyes:

So anyway I find out now she's been going to parties for a little beer drinking.

This is all part of the big parent carma rutine. Soon as I start to brag on her...she proves she's still a teen after all.
KenHigg said:
Typical rude response... :rolleyes:
you should know. You're the expert on it.

Oh, thats an opinion, no doubt that'll get slagged.

I know, when I give an opinion, I'll tell you, then you can class it as worthless much quicker.

Why don't you go out and kill something, you'll feel much better.

ColinEssex said:
you should know. You're the expert on it.

Oh, thats an opinion, no doubt that'll get slagged.

I know, when I give an opinion, I'll tell you, then you can class it as worthless much quicker.

Why don't you go out and kill something, you'll feel much better.


You're really wound up old buddy, :eek: You only drag the hunting thing into a conversation when you're losing and argument and want to change the topic - nice try ...:p
ColinEssex said:
you should know. You're the expert on it.

Oh, thats an opinion, no doubt that'll get slagged.

I know, when I give an opinion, I'll tell you, then you can class it as worthless much quicker.

Why don't you go out and kill something, you'll feel much better.


So then I findout she's been slacking in statistics. Not because its hard to comprehend but because it's more fun to socialize with the boys.

Well as ya'll know I don't live with them anymore, so I have been guilty of trying to be the good guy.

Well let me tell you boys and girls...There's a new sherif in town.
KenHigg said:
You're really wound up old buddy, :eek:
thats true, for reasons I'm not prepared to go into. They would be classed by you as worthless anyway.:mad:

I am NOT your buddy:mad:

jsanders said:
So then I findout she's been slacking in statistics. Not because its hard to comprehend but because it's more fun to socialize with the boys.

Well as ya'll know I don't live with them anymore, so I have been guilty of trying to be the good guy.

Well let me tell you boys and girls...There's a new sherif in town.

Sorry Joe - I get the message ;)
ColinEssex said:
thats true, for reasons I'm not prepared to go into. They would be classed by you as worthless anyway.:mad:

I am NOT your buddy:mad:


That's to bad - :( I though we were tight Col old buddy.;)
ColinEssex said:
No chance


So now we're back to Dad picking her up after school to makes sure her study habits don't interfere with her social life.

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