A USA Boob


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Yesterday, 20:18
Nov 8, 2005
Firstly not a pop at the Yanks - however this is the 3rd time this has happened and needs to be address
once for Cat Stevens - world renowned music artist - peace activist
and twice to a standing UK MP

Now I know security is an issue but blimly what a **** up. story follows

gary (slightly mad over this one):mad:

Minister detained at US airport

Mr Malik said he had also been stopped and searched last year
Britain's first Muslim minister, Shahid Malik, says he is "deeply disappointed" that he was detained by airport security officials in America.
The international development minister was stopped and searched at Washington DC's Dulles airport after a series of meetings on tackling terrorism.

Mr Malik, MP for Dewsbury, West Yorks, had his hand luggage checked for explosives when returning to Heathrow.

He said the same thing happened to him at JFK airport in New York last year.

On that occasion he had been a keynote speaker at an event organised by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), alongside the FBI and Muslim organisations, to talk about tackling extremism and defeating terrorism.

'Respect needed'

Mr Malik said he had received numerous apologies and assurances from the US authorities after that incident.

But he was again searched and detained by DHS officials on Sunday.

Mr Malik said two other Muslims were also detained.

"I am deeply disappointed," he said.

"The abusive attitude I endured last November I forgot about and I forgave, but I really do believe that British ministers and parliamentarians should be afforded the same respect and dignity at USA airports that we would bestow upon our colleagues in the Senate and Congress.

"Obviously, there was no malice involved but it has to be said that the USA system does not inspire confidence."
I thought you didn't like to give your MPs preferential treatment. :confused:

I get my carry-on items searched all the time. So does my four year old boy.

I don't care, my boy gets bent out of shape though when they inspect his Thomas the tank engine and friends.

Mr Malik: get over it. We all have to go through the same crap :rolleyes:

Dan- I think you missed the point here -
he is a VIP guest , I don't think you would approve of your president been frisked .. or any of your senitors -

and given that he was invite by the DHS to give a talk on how to combat terrorism and then give the terrorism fuel to say - look how they treated invited guests ,

I have been stateside numerous times and never had this -
because he's a muslim lets frisk him even though he's a VIP and a guest of the US ,

I am not against security - but given that the US throw Cat Stevens out of the country - he has numerous awards for his peace work ..

diplomates are meant to be above this ...
Firstly not a pop at the Yanks - however this is the 3rd time this has happened and needs to be address
once for Cat Stevens - world renowned music artist - peace activist
and twice to a standing UK MP

Now I know security is an issue but blimly what a **** up. story follows

gary (slightly mad over this one):mad:

Minister detained at US airport

Mr Malik said he had also been stopped and searched last year
Britain's first Muslim minister, Shahid Malik, says he is "deeply disappointed" that he was detained by airport security officials in America.
The international development minister was stopped and searched at Washington DC's Dulles airport after a series of meetings on tackling terrorism.

Mr Malik, MP for Dewsbury, West Yorks, had his hand luggage checked for explosives when returning to Heathrow.

He said the same thing happened to him at JFK airport in New York last year.

On that occasion he had been a keynote speaker at an event organised by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), alongside the FBI and Muslim organisations, to talk about tackling extremism and defeating terrorism.

'Respect needed'

Mr Malik said he had received numerous apologies and assurances from the US authorities after that incident.

But he was again searched and detained by DHS officials on Sunday.

Mr Malik said two other Muslims were also detained.

"I am deeply disappointed," he said.

"The abusive attitude I endured last November I forgot about and I forgave, but I really do believe that British ministers and parliamentarians should be afforded the same respect and dignity at USA airports that we would bestow upon our colleagues in the Senate and Congress.

"Obviously, there was no malice involved but it has to be said that the USA system does not inspire confidence."

I would have to ask if Mr Malik offered any form of identification prior to his search?

I myself feel safer in the knowledge that this man was stopped and checked, if Mr Malik did not offer any identification prior to his check then he should have been checked.

Even if ID was given he should still have been checked, he was after all using public transporation and it is in the safety interest of all the public that these checks be carried out.

I for one am glad to see that the checks are in place and are working.
All of this is of course just one side of the story. He probably got an attitude when asked for credentials... :rolleyes:
I have been stateside numerous times and never had this -
because he's a muslim lets frisk him even though he's a VIP and a guest of the US ,

You've never been frisked :confused:

Tell me which airports you're going through, my son would love to know ;)

If you can tell me the reason why I get frisked everytime I go through Lexington airport please let me know. By the way, I'm not Muslim. Oh and I have white skin too.

I wonder if I've ever been searched by a muslim and they're just getting their own back. :confused:

Anyway Mr Malik, you've had your apology. I know I'll never get one. Now whether that's because I'm not a muslim or a UK MP, I don't know. But I can assure you Mr Malik, my boy gets just as pissed as you do, when some stranger he's never seen before starts going through his s_*t! He doesn't know what a terror suspect is yet, but if he did that would make him really mad.
no - I never beeen frisked stateside
UK side yeah...
Gatwick 3 times 1 flight ,
once when i walked into the airport
once at secuirty -just pass te xray machine)
and once just before you board the plane

i don't mind

but given that if you are a VIP guest - I would not expect this - and also a diplomate as well..
but as Ken has pointed out - we are hearing only 1 side of the story ..
The guy should shut up, cooperate and try to set an example for the general public. Think of all the hassle he's caused the over worked security staff by his pitiful complaining. And if they want need to scrutinize the US officials on the flip side then more power to 'em- they’re probably over there making shady deals and screwing more things up anyway

Ken ..
would you be equally as happy if we frisked one of your senitors ??

If so then I'll take it all back - but would your senitor take this equally with as much grace -

I don't think this is a moan ,but I thinks he is trying to point out that the view from a muslim point of view is that if you go to america they think you are a terrorist , which is not true
The guy should shut up, cooperate and try to set an example for the general public. Think of all the hassle he's caused the over worked security staff by his pitiful complaining. And if they want need to scrutinize the US officials on the flip side then more power to 'em- they’re probably over there making shady deals and screwing more things up anyway


Apparently they like to come over for their cowboy suits :p

And if they want need to scrutinize the US officials on the flip side then more power to 'em- they’re probably over there making shady deals and screwing more things up anyway

If I had it my way our elected officals would be followed and frisked everwhere they go, even to the toliet. I don't think I'd even let them go out of the country - :mad: There's enough to work on in the states, why do they need to go all over the world screwing things up...:o
To Dan and Ken
then I stand corrected
frisk away -

Apparently they like to come over for their cowboy suits :p

john Prescott -
ahh what a charater - although not my party - he has been a bit of a working class hero -
this is the guy who throw a punch at a guy who throw an egg at him
and gained the respect of most of the country because of it -
quickly lost it thereafter - for all sortsd of things
the list is too long to go into
but at least an honest crook ..
Sorry if I was a point austere Gary, I must have been having flash backs of my last hour long wait to be frisked at the airport...:)
Sorry if I was a point austere Gary, I must have been having flash backs of my last hour long wait to be frisked at the airport...:)
no worries

I always get the hairy arsed gorilla - never the good looking girlie

Makes a person wonder if they really wanted to go in the first place :p:p
Tell the UK Foreign Office to give Mr. Malik a diplomatic passport.

No more seaches.
Why is Mr. Malik flying with the ordinary people in a commercial flight? Give him an RAF plane or a dedicated British Airways plane. Allow him to land in a military airport in USA. He will be received by the appropripate US official according to protocol.

I have no problem if a US senator is searched in a British airport. They will then learn how the ordinary citizens live.

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