A USA Boob

Originally Posted by KenHigg
I know of at least one Brit whom appears to have a fictionalized view of american culture...

Anyone noticed how quiet I've been this week?

Don't worry though, it's only a lull:)



Is this a case of if the cap fits...

Anyone noticed how quiet I've been this week?

Don't worry though, it's only a lull:)


Yes, it has been nice and peaceful this week. It's been enjoyable. :cool:
Then why have you not been posting here?:confused:

I'm posting here now. :confused:

And last week. :)

The last two days have been busy, but I've been around. Just haven't been posting much.
You haven't been very prolific here though in the last two weeks:confused:;)

Well, I'm not really sure how prolific I am normally. :eek:

I have been visiting more the last couple of weeks than I was for a while. :)
Well, I'm not really sure how prolific I am normally. :eek:

I have been visiting more the last couple of weeks than I was for a while. :)

I haven't seen anything posted thats interesting over the last week or so.

The only line worth noting was Doc saying nowhere in the USA was safe to live - something we've been saying for years and keep getting chastised for.

It's not safe in the UK either, so what...
It's not safe in the UK either, so what...

Really? and why does a redneck think that?

Can you tell me what the dangers are of living in Sevenoaks, in Kent please? or maybe Minehead in Somerset?

Remember it was Doc that said the original statement not me.

Well, I'm not really sure how prolific I am normally. :eek:

You're usually quite prolific in slagging off Rich and my posts - yet you let the Yanks say whatever they like without any comment.

Can you tell me what the dangers are of living in Sevenoaks, in Kent please? or maybe Minehead in Somerset?

If we're going to be serious instead of just provocative...

Sorry Col but that's disingenuous and the product of skewed selection, how about the dangers say of living in Liverpool, Bristol or Birmingham to say nothing of the many small towns here that become no-go areas for anyone over 25 on a Saturday night? Any towns in Essex with high crime figures? I live in Stratford upon Avon as you know and twenty years ago crime here virtually didn't exist, sadly it's a different story now.

We really can't hold the moral high ground on gun and knife crime anymore.

Did you miss the statistics published recently and mentioned on the Beeb of the number of Under 12s in Britain who admitted to having carried a knife?
How about the increasing numbers of shootings here? Teen on teen shootings and knifings are starting to happen here with increasing frequency. A headmaster is murdered at his school gates, innocent kids get shot down.

You might say where America leads we follow, would that be their fault or ours?
Really? and why does a redneck think that?

Can you tell me what the dangers are of living in Sevenoaks, in Kent please? or maybe Minehead in Somerset?

Remember it was Doc that said the original statement not me.


Have you been to 7oaks in the evening ..... it is not that safe- ...
the amount of fights i have seen come pub closing time

7Oaks has two extremes the Posh lot and then the "lower Working Class"
and I mean lower than the working class here
Teen on teen shootings and knifings are starting to happen here with increasing frequency. A headmaster is murdered at his school gates, innocent kids get shot down.

You might say where America leads we follow, would that be their fault or ours?

You needn't worry Barry, the labour party is going to get tough on crime and the causes of crime and of course we need a debate on whether the criminal has more civil rights than the victim:rolleyes:
I think that this admitting that his post~58 was erroneous. Is this a first? :rolleyes:

Brian :)

Well no Brian, you see Bliar read and believed the fictional account that the US always acts in every body elses interests as the world policeman, when the idiot finally realised what everyone else knew he became addicted to the real me first attitude of the US:rolleyes:
You needn't worry Barry, the labour party is going to get tough on crime and the causes of crime and of course we need a debate on whether the criminal has more civil rights than the victim:rolleyes:

I shall sleep safer in my bed then.:rolleyes:
Silence is golden...case closed. :)
You're usually quite prolific in slagging off Rich and my posts - yet you let the Yanks say whatever they like without any comment.


I, for one, have missed the infantile whining over the last couple of weeks.

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