A USA Boob

Why is Mr. Malik flying with the ordinary people in a commercial flight? Give him an RAF plane or a dedicated British Airways plane. Allow him to land in a military airport in USA. He will be received by the appropripate US official according to protocol.

I have no problem if a US senator is searched in a British airport. They will then learn how the ordinary citizens live.

again damned if he flys in a separate airplane - carbon footprint and all-
so MP's try to fly "normal "-- first class of course .

but i would of thought a visit to the defence people would have been revieved by a manger/supervisor to meet and greet and ease this .. but hell worse shit happens - its jsut twice in a row for this guy ...
john Prescott -
ahh what a charater - although not my party - he has been a bit of a working class hero -
this is the guy who throw a punch at a guy who throw an egg at him
and gained the respect of most of the country because of it -
quickly lost it thereafter - for all sortsd of things
the list is too long to go into
but at least an honest crook ..

Are you seriously saying that this corrupt, overstuffed buffoon with the intellect of a gnat and the charm of a hungry boa constrictor "gained the respect of most of the country"? I beg to differ, I believe the majority of people who saw that fight felt he was no better than the moron with the egg. What a role model for the young. Jeeesus.
It showed that he wasn't prepared to make a sound bite out of it- and although corrupt aren't they all..

if you look at the news at the time and looked around most people impression of him was raised at that point -- however the affairs etc afterwards ruined it

Are you seriously saying that this corrupt, overstuffed buffoon with the intellect of a gnat and the charm of a hungry boa constrictor "gained the respect of most of the country"? I beg to differ, I believe the majority of people who saw that fight felt he was no better than the moron with the egg. What a role model for the young. Jeeesus.

Sounds like he and w may be cut from the same cloth:

He has gained a reputation in the British press for confused speech, mangled syntax and grammar. The Guardian columnist Simon Hoggart once commented: "Every time Prescott opens his mouth, it's like someone has flipped open his head and stuck in an egg whisk.


Sounds like he and w may be cut from the same cloth:



Fortunately, unlike Dubya he wasn't running the country, we had the wonderful Mr Bliar at the time. Now of course we have the steady, incorruptible and principled Mr Brown who doesn't believe in spin. Well not much more than your average Dervish.
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There I was thinking that this thread was about that superbowl half time show...
Are you seriously saying that this corrupt, overstuffed buffoon with the intellect of a gnat and the charm of a hungry boa constrictor "gained the respect of most of the country"? I beg to differ, I believe the majority of people who saw that fight felt he was no better than the moron with the egg. What a role model for the young. Jeeesus.

Not to mention that if the ordinary man in the street had reacted the way Prescott did then they would have been arrested and prosecuted for taking the law into their own hands! It's time the Bliar party was kicked out:mad:
So the guy with the egg got nothing? Maybe they should be outlawed. Then when you go through the airport you'd get to go through a metal detector and an egg detector...

And if you did get prosecuted for carry a concealed egg your sentence would depend on where it was raw, hard boiled, etc. Of course a hard boiled sentence would be stiffer because it would obviously be pre-meditated...

And of course the law abiding citizen would have no problem requesting a permit to carry an egg...

Not to mention that if the ordinary man in the street had reacted the way Prescott did then they would have been arrested and prosecuted for taking the law into their own hands! It's time the Bliar party was kicked out:mad:

Blimey twice in 10 days ---- total agree gasp.....
Fortunately, unlike Dubya he wasn't running the country, we had the wonderful Mr Bliar at the time. Now of course we have the steady, incorruptible and principled Mr Brown who doesn't believe in spin. Well not much more than your average Dervish.

No but Brown now changes his mind on what's good for the country every 7days:rolleyes:
Charge people extra for throwing out their rubbish, how many will start bonfires in their back gardens? Still it's all good for the environment eh:rolleyes::mad:
No but Brown now changes his mind on what's good for the country every 7days:rolleyes:
Charge people extra for throwing out their rubbish, how many will start bonfires in their back gardens? Still it's all good for the environment eh:rolleyes::mad:

Now stop this ...
this is the 3rd time I agree with you - people will begin to talk -..
So the guy with the egg got nothing? Maybe they should be outlawed. Then when you go through the airport you'd get to go through a metal detector and an egg detector...

And if you did get prosecuted for carry a concealed egg your sentence would depend on where it was raw, hard boiled, etc. Of course a hard boiled sentence would be stiffer because it would obviously be pre-meditated...

And of course the law abiding citizen would have no problem requesting a permit to carry an egg...

How dare you! If you only understood the histoyr behind it you wouldn't say such things. The British people have a long tradition of carrying eggs, dating back to the section in the Magna Carta which states that we are allowed to carry "..an omelette or other hen-based food items", in case of French invasion (permission which we are perfectly willing to twist into our 'right to bear eggs').

Plus, it's only the thought that the other guy may be carrying a few free range that forces polite debate. If everyone was made to carry them, there would be no eggings at all. :)
Public official or not, if another bully type hit's me with an egg I see no problem going after him and punching him in the nose - :)

And I do think it sends the correct message to the youngsters, act a fool by throwing and egg and the guy may come after you - aka: Don't throw eggs at people. duh...

Fortunately when Canada adopted a constitution in 1867 they did include a clause in which all Canadians would retain this right passed down from British rule which had always been a sore point between French and ENglish Canada. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed over the past 140 years and we are very proud of being one of the few countries in the world which has both a english EggMarketing Agency and a french Office des Oeufs . :D

You seem to have over looked our long held and cherished right to carry a hockey puck.
You seem to have over looked our long held and cherished right to carry a hockey puck.

A common misconception. Although asserted as a 'right' by many Canadians, the carrying of a puck is at the discretion of a provincial governing body.;)
A what would a typical argument against the right to carry a puck in public be?

A what would a typical argument against the right to carry a puck in public be?

"I should be able to carry a puck, eh?"
"No you shouldn't, eh?"
etc. :)

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