A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus


Sr. Application Developer
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Today, 17:33
Jun 23, 2011
A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

What would be the equivalent to the A2003 custom menu capability in A2007?

For now I have a Form with various buttons. Each button is dedicated to running a specific report. I anticipate that design method overloading the form with tooooo many buttons.

Is there a way to stash them all into a menu system even though A2007 has Ribbons, not traditional Menus?
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

You can create custom "ribbon" menus and include a section for your reports.

I have an application that I support for a client that has a Report section in a custom ribbon menu and that section then has multiple nested options for various categories of reports.

A search here about creating custom ribbons should help you get started with the creation of a custom ribbon to do what you want.

Personally, I have purchased and use Monte Ribbons to create all of my custom ribbons. Here is a link to their site: http://www.ribbon01.com/index.htm

However, there are other special tool options (including free ones or just use a text editor) and I would suggest that you evaluate the various options and choose the one that meets your needs.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

You can create custom "ribbon" menus and include a section for your reports.

Is it possible with Ribbons to simply add a tab to the standard A2007 Ribbon an additional tab for this custom application's reports? Much like adding an additional top level menu choice "File, Edit, View, Custom..."? That way I could develop to leave Access core alone.

After posting I thought to look in my A2007 book. Indeed there is a chapter devoted to Ribbons. Mention of XML files and paid tools to assist with Ribbon building. So it appears I have lots to learn in this direction.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

Creating custom ribbons can seem a little overwhelming when you first start, but once you get the hang of it, it is not all that bad.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

I've got a tool in the samples forum that makes ribbons.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

In applications that have a lot of reports, I create tables to manage them. The table contains the actual name, a user-friendly name, a description, and occassionally I add criteria and querynames if the reports require them.

The form to run the reports, uses a multi-select list box to allow the users to select more than one.

The code then loops through the selected items collection and runs each report that was selected.

To add a new report, I just add a row to the table. No form/code changes required.

Although menu/ribbon options look more sophisticated, I like my method for flexibility. I included a picture of the form from I use to manage the report table one of my applications.


  • ReportDocumentation.jpg
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Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

In applications that have a lot of reports, I create tables to manage them. The table contains the actual name, a user-friendly name, a description, and occasionally I add criteria and querynames if the reports require them.

I think we at least have a similar approach to reports. In my DB objects, I simply create a new method for preparing an FE temp table with the report records. Then open the report which is bound to the FE temp table. Example code behind one button \ report:

  'Refresh the FE Temp Table which the Report is bound to
  If Not ObjProjectsTbl.RefreshLocalTmpTbl_RptCapitalSpendingByProces() Then
    Call errorhandler_MsgBox("Form: Form_projectreports, Subroutine: btnCapitalSpendingReport_ByProcess_Click(), Error: Unable to refresh FE Temp Table with Query Results")
    GoTo Exit_btnCapitalSpendingReport_ByProcess_Click
  End If

  'Open the report
  flgInitArchitecture = True
  DoCmd.OpenReport "CapitalSpendingByProces", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal
The form to run the reports, uses a multi-select list box to allow the users to select more than one.

To add a new report, I just add a row to the table. No form/code changes required.

I did not go in this direction as I thought with many reports it would become cumbersome to scroll through the list of reports to find the correct entry.

Although menu/ribbon options look more sophisticated, I like my method for flexibility. I included a picture of the form from I use to manage the report table one of my applications.

I will run the idea past the client users. Thanks.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

Is it possible with Ribbons to simply add a tab to the standard A2007 Ribbon an additional tab for this custom application's reports? Much like adding an additional top level menu choice "File, Edit, View, Custom..."? That way I could develop to leave Access core alone.
For custom toolbars from older versions of Access, you will find them in the ribbon under the Add-ins tab. So you can still create your menu/toolbars via the GUI in the older version and it will show in the tab previously mentioned. I remember seeing an Access 2007 with Access 2003 style toolbars but I don't remember what the link is. You can try searching.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

So you can still create your menu/toolbars via the GUI in the older version and it will show in the tab previously mentioned.

Oh... so always a GUI admin UI was required? There is no way to define a custom menu via plain VBA code?

I do not think it wise to add something to this application that would require A2003 to be able to create/update it.

Thank you!
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

Yes of course you can still do it in code, but I thought you wanted to do it the easy way ;)
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

but I thought you wanted to do it the easy way ;)

Easy way!?!? You know me better than that... http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=216531#post1127072 Code is the "easy way!" :cool: (P.S. Now that solution has been leveraged to support 42 record lists... and counting.)

No but, if I would be required to build the menu via A2003 for an A2007 application, that would be just way too far in my mind... I will take M$'s hint and not consider a traditional menu.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

I'm not a designer that follows the rules. Since Access 1997 I simply users a Form. There are too many reports so in some cases Forms can run multiple reports, Search Forms have a Search Value and by using this the Search field multiple reports can be run form the Form.

My biggest misdemeanour are Menu Forms. Here are some examples.



  • menu_debtors.jpg
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  • exhibitions_reports.jpg
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Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus


This one most closely resembles my current UI. I anticipate WAY overloading the architecture with individual reports.

Thus was hoping for an A2007 VBA way to do traditional menus where I could load up the menu tree with lots of categorized \ categorized reports.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus


Well you could attach each Menu into your Menu Tree. When you reflect about what you sre trying to do, yes it could be data centric but setting up these Menus maybe a one-off exercise.

Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

If you design your table of reports correctly, you can use a tree view control rather than a list box to display the choices.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

you can use a tree view control rather than a list box to display the choices.

Core to A2007? Or a third-party OCX? On the Design tab, a control for tree views does not jump out at me.

Yes I am familiar with developing a table to hold tree-view data. Years ago I developed such a system to "get my wife back" from hand coding tree menus in HTML. Example: http://www.classicgutters.com/Nehemiah/00000021.html View Page Source reveals:

<meta name="Generator" content="The Nehemiah Project by Lueck Data Systems http://www.lueckdatasystems.com/">

A single LOC call to Nehemiah builds the correct menu structure for the context said page ID is located at. Success! I got my wife back! :cool:

In general, a "tree view \ explorer UI system which I am able to hand code the content fill" sounds like a good solution.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

@Pat, clarification on which tree view control you were referring to, please.
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

I think it is named "Microsoft Treeview control, version 6.0".
Re: A2007 way to "put lots of reports on a menu" since 2007 has Ribbons, not Menus

According to this link...

it appears the explanation for why that OCX is not available under VBA References is that I do not have the Access Developer Tools installed. I had no idea such was even available.

I think that nukes the idea as if I do not have the OCX, target workstations will not have it either. :(

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