Access 2007


Registered User.
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Today, 11:34
Jan 15, 2009
Hi all.
I have created a system in access 2007..., however, i need to demonstrate it....Can some one please tell me how i can get rid of the tool bars etc on the side of the screen and on the top of the screen... so all the user sees is the system.
I thought if i put it on CD, it would work, but by putting it on CD, makes it read only.... and i need to add records to the database.
please help
If you want to demonstrate it on machines without access then download the Packakging wizard and Access 2007 Runtime from MSN. (Runtime) (Devleloper Extensions) (MSN Blog Dicussion)

Follow those links for information regarding downloads and use OR you could make the database an MDE to protect against design changes then jsut disable menus on start up...

Good luck John
If you want to demonstrate it on machines without access then download the Packakging wizard and Access 2007 Runtime from MSN. (Runtime) (Devleloper Extensions) (MSN Blog Dicussion)

Follow those links for information regarding downloads and use OR you could make the database an MDE to protect against design changes then jsut disable menus on start up...

Good luck John

hi, the system will be demonstrated on a machine that has access 07... but i need to disable the menus on start up... can you please tell me how i can do that!.
thanks ,
If you set the startup form to the main screen then you shuold not see the windows on the side.

also I have used

DB_DAO = DBEngine.Version
DB_JET = CurrentDb().Version
db_version = Application.SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer)
If db_version = 12# Then
If Me.Application.CommandBars.Item("Ribbon").Height = 150 Then
SendKeys "^{F1}", False
End If
End If

To hide the top ribbon. OR you can just right click it and select Hide

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