Access Accdb 2010 slow on Ethernet


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:04
Oct 5, 2017
i have shared a DB in 2010 through LAN but still at the second pc where it is working as shared opening slow and working slow... rest it is working fine at main pc where it is present.

Both PC having Win 7 64 Bit with Office 2010 Suit 32 bit
this may somewhat make it faster.
always maintain an open Linked table when you start the db.
this can be done by creating a dummy bound hidden form that can be open through autoexec macro. the rowsource of the hidden form is a Linked table (either a dummy one too).

also check the lan cables and config.
Is the DB split?, from what you are saying it does not sound like it is.?
this may somewhat make it faster.
always maintain an open Linked table when you start the db.
this can be done by creating a dummy bound hidden form that can be open through autoexec macro. the rowsource of the hidden form is a Linked table (either a dummy one too).

also check the lan cables and config.

Its being difficuilt for me to understand as ver new to access if it is possible could you post any example how to do this
Is the DB split?, from what you are saying it does not sound like it is.?

no the DB is not splitted i am trying to split it and it was splited at time but after few entries or in idle mode it stop working and showing error like ... reference not....... i think is LAN issue ? because if we work continously on shared db then it works fine but when we stops or idle.. it for 10 to 15 minutes then it takes time to open forms etc...i checked the LAN cable it is fine.. what to do
to create a persistent connection to the BE:

on the BE, add a dummy table (tblDummy) with 1 field (fld1, number, long) + autonumber field.

add 1 record (any number).

on the FE , create a link to tblDummy.

create a form using tblDummy, make the form Pop-up.
resize the form to the minimum.

on a Standard Module, add a Public Function (any name).
inside this function is to open the pop-up form in Hidden mode.
public function fncOpenHidden()
docmd.OpenForm "NameOfPopUpForm",,,,,acHidden

now create a macro that will call this function:
RunCode: fncOpenHidden()

name your macro AutoExec. this will run everytime your FE is started.
to create a persistent connection to the BE:

on the BE, add a dummy table (tblDummy) with 1 field (fld1, number, long) + autonumber field.

add 1 record (any number).

on the FE , create a link to tblDummy.

create a form using tblDummy, make the form Pop-up.
resize the form to the minimum.

on a Standard Module, add a Public Function (any name).
inside this function is to open the pop-up form in Hidden mode.
public function fncOpenHidden()
docmd.OpenForm "NameOfPopUpForm",,,,,acHidden

now create a macro that will call this function:
RunCode: fncOpenHidden()

name your macro AutoExec. this will run everytime your FE is started.

Thanks a lot!!

But suppose if FE is Idle for 10-15 minutes then will it continue to start or again that error which i am facing.. please tell me is it not a laptop sleep issue as the said laptop sleeps after 5 minutes and we face this ??

Thanks again for your effort and time for me
then prevent the laptop from sleeping (energy drink perhaps).
configure it on control panel->power.
then prevent the laptop from sleeping (energy drink perhaps).
configure it on control panel->power.

Yes Energy Drink !!!!!

Means is it possible that if laptop is in sleep mood then it may hang or drop LAN connection for a while till any application re-activate it ? is it possible?
Yes afraid so - if your laptop goes to sleep, than it normally shuts down your network connection to preserve power. So even a access "forced" background connection doesn't persist. Which will cause an access error.

Only thing you can do is prevent the sleep mode if the laptop is plugged into the mains connection, if it's plugged in you don't need it to sleep. Just turn the monitor off to prevent screen burn.
not sure if it makes a difference or meets your requirements, but you could try using screensaver rather than sleep.
not sure if it makes a difference or meets your requirements, but you could try using screensaver rather than sleep.

Checked and done...

Sleep was the culprit .... :D

Perfect now after setting it to Never... Thanks for all who shared their comments and time....:)

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