Access Isn't Using Default database folder

Thanks. They moved it to a place I would never find it. Access help is so bad I never use it. I go right to the web.
This is another odd thing that MS does. When you open access you would think the feedback button would always be on the ribbon when you are looking at the database. The feedback icon appears once you click "File". This kind of inconsistency only confuses the user. Initially I thought they could have at least put an option under the account in the main ribbon. These things seem to just change and you have to figure out what's going on. I think the above should be on the Account page at a minimum otherwise you might scratch your head for a long time leaving groves wondering ... Are they just trying to challenge me here?
In 2019 it is here?

Thanks for the screen shot. When I click on the ? icon on my ribbon, it takes me to a web page (see pic) talking about the File Menu in Access 2016-2019. See it shows feedback here so why remove if from here for MS365? In fact, why wouldn't you put Help on the File Menu. So If I click Help should I not get the 4 options that you have shown me here. So there is clearly inconsistency which creates confusion. IMO this could be cleaned up.
You must be used to MS moving stuff just for the sake of it by now, surely? :)
I installed win11 on a few computers. Had to download a program to get the taskbar/start panel back to win10.
I have always had my task bar at the top. Never the bottom, so win11 pissed me off immediately. :)
You must be used to MS moving stuff just for the sake of it by now, surely? :)
I installed win11 on a few computers. Had to download a program to get the taskbar/start panel back to win10.
I have always had my task bar at the top. Never the bottom, so win11 pissed me off immediately. :)
My favourite Menu omission was when Windows 11 on initial rollout forgot to include restart and shutdown options. I guess no one needed to reboot their computers ... because it was the perfect operating system?
I once was contracted to a water company to build a new system in GCOS8 and COBOL, along with a good many other A/Ps.

Several teams working on different parts of the system.
In some meeting, someone asked, 'what if someone comes in and wants to pay their bill in cash?'
No problem, was the answer, 'we just use the cash module'.
'What cash module' was the reply?
Seems noone was assigned the cash module? :-)
Left hand, right hand. :)
I installed win11 on a few computers. Had to download a program to get the taskbar/start panel back to win10.
Can you pls PM me a link. I'm going to be facing that soon. You'd think they would have learned their lesson after they completely botched Win 8. I've never seen a worse interface. They need to stop allowing the children to define the interface. The children want everything to work like their phone which is hopeless if you have actual work to do.
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They need to stop allowing the children to define the interface.

Sometimes movies and written stories are incredibly good predictors of coming reality. For instance, Orwell's 1984 didn't get the year right but got a LOT of other stuff spot-on. I'm thinking now of the movie Idiocracy and its predictions that are chilling - and yet here we are, dumbing down the interface of a device capable of not quite infinite flexibilty and capability so that the dumb folks and little, guileless kids can use it. I try to not get cynical but there are times when it seems that the inmates are running the asylum.
If I didn't know better I would think 1984 was an actual blueprint for what the progressives are doing today. I don't want to say Democrats because I think the Democrats have totally lost control over their party. Much like the RINOs lost control over the Republican party.

I remember clearly reading that book in highschool. I thought the big flat screens everywhere were really creepy and I am totally baffled by how people have let these invasive devices into their lives. OK, it's cool to ask Alexa what the Yankees score is but you could find it on your phone easily enough since your phone is never more than 6 inches from your hands.
but you could find it on your phone easily enough since your phone is never more than 6 inches from your hands.
You have not met me then. :-)
My phone is on the settee and I am at this computer.
I try to login somewhere and I get sent a text/notification ' Are you trying to log in'. So I have to get up and go and get the phone to answer it. :)
I also hold the phone in one hand and type with the other hand.

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