Got most of the updates.
You can now adjust the HitValues. They are now a property of the Class. You would not want to do the TempVar as you did. This would then tightly couple that class module to a specific application. Now it is configurable for any treeview application.
There are probably a lot of other user settings you may Want. I demoed the Font and Font size. I should probably make the Font a combo box of tested font names. It is a textbox now, but if you pass a bad name it will fail. There are all kinds of formatting that can be done.
There could be different fonts, italics, colors, etc to differentiate Locations and Items.
I think it would be good to make the Items slightly smaller than the locations and possibly a different background or foreground.
I added categories and current value to the forms.
I still need to add a way to add new Categories. Either a form or not in list event.
I added the bulk update feature
You can change the combo and go to a new location.
The cmbo demos the "Treeview style" combo
I put the update V7 in the original post.
Probably can add the feature to select icon Sizes.
Need to add a summary tab for Cost, quantity, etc. reporting.