Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items (1 Viewer)

Here are all my changes rolled into the new V12.
  1. Move the LOCATIONS and Total Value labels and text box down to look better. This is subjective.
  2. Widen the locations activex control so it can fit a larger tree. Changes in design view are being overridden.
  3. Add one single space in front of menu items on the left tree view menu.
  4. Set backcolor of the node move button to: Background 1, Darker 15%
  5. Set caption of node move button to: Move To Selected Node
  6. Align all of the darker tree view menu headings and change fore color: Text 1, Lighter 50%
  7. Match the height of the Tree View menu and the Tree View control so everything lines up. There might be something in the code overriding design view settings. Not sure where though.
  8. Remove horizontal scrollbars from all forms that don't need them to avoid the gray bar at bottom.
  9. Remove record selectors from subFrmItems
  10. Fix all of the tab stop issues on all forms.
  11. frmItemGenie in FormatTree add: Indentation = 150
  12. Change form colors to be Themed to Office 2013-2022 Accent 1 and various shades. It should look OK in different themes that a user selects.
  13. Add keyboard shortcuts for the tree menu. Alt-U Alt-D (move node up/down), Alt-L Alt-I (add location or item), Alt-E (dElete Node), Alt-S (App Settings), Alt-B (Bulk Edit), Alt-R (add Root Location).
  14. Fix the subFrmItems scrollbar issue. See last line in code snippet from frmItemGenie code page.

Public Sub LocationSelected(PK As Long)
    Me.tabItems = 0
    Me.tabItems.Pages(1).Visible = False
    Me.subFrmItems.Form.Filter = "Location_ID_FK = " & PK
    Me.subFrmItems.Form.FilterOn = True
    Me.tabItems.Pages(0).Caption = "Items in " & GetLocationName(PK)
    Me.SubfrmLocationDetails.Form.Recordset.FindFirst "Location_ID = " & PK
    Me.subFrmItems.Form.ScrollBars = IIf(Me.subFrmItems.Form.Recordset.RecordCount > 5, 2, 0)
End Sub


Since we are synched ( I made no additional changes since 12), I can baseline this one and post to the original thread.
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Just noticed that added items don't get added to the dropdown for finding items. That feature is gonna be super handy after a couple thousand items get entered. Not sure how the combo box works yet with your class. Only after exiting and re-entering the app.
Add this event
Private Sub cmboFindItem_Enter()
End Sub
You have to use the requery method of the class

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