Add Citrix / Remote Desktop for Web option


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Yesterday, 19:23
Oct 22, 2009
By now, we are realizing Access 2013 doesn't leverage all of the events and power of Access 2010 (and previous).

We realize that companies may not take the plunge to suddenly retire all of the existing, proven, working Access applications.

One of the options going forward is to run MS Access via Citrix or Remote Desktop. Those of us who have been distributing Access are willing to share the information. My end users have both Windows Portable and Apple. They use wireless data in remote locations nationally.
In some ways, the Citrix or MS Remote might be less overhead to set up than setting up (and maintaining) a SQL Server.

I recently came across this article:
There may be many others.

Expanding Life into Access 2010 through the next decade may not include moving to Access 2013 and beyond.

For those who may walk into work some morning and discover the IT Network department has upgraded to office 2013 over night, this would be a good option to have available.

If there is a MS Access Citrix / RT discussion opened:
Myself and others will be happy to share information about the printer problems (it actually is not a problem). And other helpful hints.

In closing, I feel it would give this excellent community a 2nd life.

An example of the Discussion would be:
Citrix / Remote Desktop
- Thin Client vs Web (discussion)
- Licensing
- Useful Articles
- Access Design Considerations
- Conversion - Setup - Maintenance
- Distributing and Releasing New Versions
- Managing Printers and Desktop
- Access Code (VBA)
Actually, I think the issue is a tinsy winsy bit broader than that, and a more suitable name would perhaps be "Access over WAN". And yes, the issue is highly relevant.
Like the "WAN" - but have to muse about this. In Access 97, we had three concurrent users at each heath-care facility using (not WAN) but dialup.
It is a really tough description when people ask about it.
In 90's, the company I developed for was described as the first Long Term Health Care ASP.
PC Mag: (Application Service Provider) An organization that hosts software applications within its own facilities. Customers rent the use of the application and access it over the Internet or via a private line connection. Also called a "commercial service provider." The Web browser, acting as a universal client interface, has fueled this "on-demand software" market. Also called "cloud computing.
Taking it further - would Access Via Cloud be accurate?

Agree too, it is a broad subject. Thanks for the great suggestions / comments.

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