Advanced Customization


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Yesterday, 22:31
Feb 13, 2003
This should be a piece of cake for someone with a few experience years on me. I have a client for which I am building a custom database. They use this for various reasons. One main reason is to track man hours, cost, billing information on a per job/customer basis.

Each of their customers has a unique contract. Which specifies the information required in order to bill the customer for a job. For example: Customer "Big Factory" requires PO# and Job#.

The contract also specifies the billing rate for each piece of equipment and each type of employee. For example: For customer "Big Factory" again, we charge $10 a day for a pickup truck and $20 an hour for a welder. Customer "Little Factory" has a different contract with different rates and required fields.

*Now I have all of the above under control (in my opinion)*

Following is part is where I struggle. Each contract also specifies which hours (on a daily basis) are standard work hours and which are premium work hours, as well as, at what point (# of weekly hours) to start billing only premium hours during the remaining part of the week. For example: "Big Factory" Standard hours are from 07:00 to 17:00, Premium are from 17:00 to 07:00, Weekly premium start once an employee has worked 40 hours for that week regardless if the employee has worked some hours for another client(*Exceptions do exist where the employee must work 40 hours for the client before the weekly premium kicks in*).

I need this to automatically calculate for each employee. It must update each time sheet that the employee exists on.

Currently I have it working in a rather unorthodox way, but it isn't exactly scalable to work for each customer's unique contract. I can post how I have it, but it will be quite a long post. It has to do with a running sum query then a make table query then an update query.

One other caveat: My client pays their employees premium pay on a 40 hour work week (>40 per week is premium time) regardless of which hours they work. (Seems like they are ripping the employees off I know). I posted this once before, but had received only a negative post chewing me out for not being fair. Anyway...

If presented with this how would you do it?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just to show you, this is part of one of the queries:

strSQL = "SELECT qryListHoursTime.LaborDetailsID, IIf([ContractTypeID]='PT08',IIf([Hours]>8,8,IIf(([RunningSum2]-[Hours])>=8,0,[Hours])),IIf((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime])>40,IIf(IIf(((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime]))>40,40-((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime])-([hours])),0)<0,0,IIf(((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime]))>40,40-((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime])-([hours])),0)),[Hours])) AS STBillHours,"
strSQL = strSQL & "IIf([ContractTypeID]='PT08',IIf([Hours]>8,[Hours]-8,IIf(([RunningSum2]-[Hours])>=8,[Hours],0)), IIf((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime])>40,IIf(((SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime])-(40))>[Hours],[Hours],(SELECT Sum([Hours]) FROM [qryListHoursTime] AS [qryListHoursTime_1] WHERE [qryListHoursTime_1].[DateTime] <= [qryListHoursTime].[DateTime])-(40)),0)) AS OTBillHours, qryListHoursTime.Hours INTO tbTempBillHoursUpdate "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM ((tbCustomer INNER JOIN (tbContract INNER JOIN tbCustContract ON tbContract.ContractID = tbCustContract.ContractID) ON tbCustomer.CustomerID = tbCustContract.CustomerID) INNER JOIN tbJob ON tbCustomer.CustomerID = tbJob.CustomerID) INNER JOIN (qryFncRunningSumBillingHours RIGHT JOIN (qryListHoursTime INNER JOIN tbDailyWO ON qryListHoursTime.GulfWOID = tbDailyWO.GulfWOID) ON qryFncRunningSumBillingHours.LaborDetailsID = qryListHoursTime.LaborDetailsID) ON tbJob.JobNumber = tbDailyWO.[Job #];"

A nightmare really...
I'd start by creating a new table that holds all the customers and the criteria for billing, like:
Client|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type
Big Factory|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|17:00|07:00|Premium

You might even want to add the days of the week.
Once you've got all the clients/billing info setup, it should be easy to determine if rates/hours are standard or premium across the board for everyone.
Sounds like the hardest part of this is just determining the different type of contracts.

I'd start by creating a new table that holds all the customers and the criteria for billing, like:
Client|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type
Big Factory|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|17:00|07:00|Premium

You might even want to add the days of the week or other criteria.
Client|Day|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type
Big Factory|MON|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|TUES|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|SAT|07:00|17:00|Premium

Once you've got all the clients/billing info setup, it should be easy to determine if rates/hours are standard or premium across the board for everyone.
Sounds like the hardest part of this is just determining the different type of contracts.

I'd start by creating a new table that holds all the clients/contracts and the criteria for billing that apply, like:
Client or Contract|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type
Big Factory|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|17:00|07:00|Premium

You might even want to add the days of the week or other criteria.
Client or Contract|Day|Start Time|End Time|Billing Type
Big Factory|MON|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|TUES|07:00|17:00|Standard
Big Factory|SAT|07:00|17:00|Premium

Once you've got all the clients/billing info setup, it should be easy to determine if rates/hours are standard or premium across the board for everyone.
Hey Checker,

Thanks for the reply. I have been working on this for so long I need some "outside insight." That gets me going in a good direction. On the same note, once I have that set. I will need to be able to determine at which point in the day(also week) an employee reaches overtime. So in the case where a customer's contract specifies that the billing standard hours are between 07:00 to 17:00 and equal or less than 8 hours per day I need to determine at which point the the employee reaches premium time (easy if it's past 17:00 or before 07:00, but what if it is between those but greater than 8?)? How would you go about that? I currently, like I said before am using the "nightmare queries" for this. But a nightmare to customize for each client, and I don't think it will work for some cases.

Thanks for the advice Checker, I will move toward what you said.

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I don;t think I understand the requirements fully. Can you provide some cases like the examples I've put in the attached file ?


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