American Foreign Policy - Explanation Please?

Unfortunately it was he UK blindly following the US into an illegal war that caused this and increased the risk of radical fundamentalisation of Muslims and the emergence of Terrorist cells. If we had left Iraq and Afghanistan well alone, we would not be facing this threat in our own country.

I believe the illegal war was legal. Everyone thought he weapons of mass destruction. However, it took so long for everybody to decide to attack, he could have very well sent them to Syria where we know Assad had some.

The old argument is , If I leave them alone they will leave me alone. WRONG!

They are extremist (and 911 happened before the war)and all they want is to kill you unless you convert to Islam and become their slave.

The threat was always there. It did not have nothing to do with making them mad. Their prophet and God Ala declares us as infidels. They like Hitler and Germany believe they are the superior race and are willing to die to prove it. Please WAKE UP before it is too late.

Now the instigator of this for the UK Tony Blair is a middle east envoy... what a joke....
A good man
Not really. They did ask for support but he gave none, not even air support. Rem he is a Sunni Muslim by blood and the rebels are a mixture of sunni and shiite.

Nobody is ever any religion by blood. Religions are a learned social construct.

As it gets worse, I wonder who(country) will step up and take the lead or do we just let them take over the middle east and start WWIII.

Things would have been a lot better if Saddam Hussein had been left in charge of Iraq. Sure he was ruthless but that is what was required to keep a lid on religious nutters.
I do not usually get involved or take sides between America and the UK, but something I heard on the News this morning in the UK has got me baffled as to what exactly is the American Foreign Policy, and the stance on Terrorism...

In Syria, American is openly supporting the Rebels who are fighting the Government, the rebels who are wanting Muslim rule, and supposedly are a faction of Al-Qaeda

And now heard on the news this morning that America is opposing the Muslim faction wanting to take over Iraq, who if the news is to be believed is the same faction that are rebels in Syria.....

WTF are you guys doing, and do you even know that the rest of the world is scratching it's head also wondering the same bloomin question....

If you figure out what the US Foreign Policy is would you kindly relay that information to our president.
Nobody is ever any religion by blood. Religions are a learned social construct.

Shows just how little you know or understand the very people who would not even blink and eye lid when the kill you. His Father was Sunni Muslim. His Mother American Christian. Women in Islam have not standing. All kids especially boys are born under their fathers sect. He is an Sunni Muslim in the eyes of Islam. In other words, by blood.

Things would have been a lot better if Saddam Hussein had been left in charge of Iraq. Sure he was ruthless but that is what was required to keep a lid on religious nutters.
I will have to agree with you here.However, after his invasion of Kuwait, the intelligence was found that he had weapons of mass destruction. Again this war was approved by the US Congress and Senate, The UN and NATO countries in order to rid him of these weapons. The biggest problem was the time period where the weapons could have been moved into neighboring Syria without notice. Of course, the intel could just have been plain wrong. Back when Jimmy Carter was Pres. he cut our intelligence in the middle east. People that were once inside the circles of Sadam and even some Islamic extremist were no more. This was further decreased along with our military under Clinton. Thus on September 11th, 2001 we lost over 3000 lives to terrorist.

Nowdays, Sadam is gone, we left Irag too early and the terrorist extremist are BACK and are going to have an Ilamic state where their Caliph will start an entire Islamic civil war which could or will bring in all the world. Another World War.

Sometimes a simple dictator although evil is still the best of two or more evils. Someone said. "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer". How true this is.
Why do you do that? Yes the US is in the UN but as a group, so is Russia, China and now even Iran.Any action against a nation must be voted on and these others will veto everything. Why, because it is their self-interest to let it keep going.

This was in reply to the following
As to your comment about not relying on NATO when did the US leave it?


Makes debating worthless when people don't read your posts, or give a reply to one they wish you had asked.

However, after his invasion of Kuwait, the intelligence was found that he had weapons of mass destruction.

Incorrect. At the time the official UN weapons inspection team reported that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

Instead of accepting this report, Bush and Blair decided to pray to their God for advice. Unsurprisingly their ancient Hebrew war god told them to invade.

They should have both been executed for instigating the illegal war.
They should have both been executed for instigating the illegal war.

This is sounding kind of like what people were thinking about saddam, he should be dealt with for the evil things he's doing to people... Odd how things seem to go around in circles...
As of this morning the Iraqi government have requested air strikes on the rebels from the Americans... No news however on if it will happen and when...
You believe in the eye for an eye bit?

No. But they acted contrary to the best information available and chose to follow the advice of a delusional manifestation of their own ego. Millions died because of their arrogance.
No. But they acted contrary to the best information available and chose to follow the advice of a delusional manifestation of their own ego. Millions died because of their arrogance.

So we should be seeing GWB and TB at the Hague very soon on War Crime charges right.... Yeah Right... too busy counting their millions to even turn up... :rolleyes:
Incorrect. At the time the official UN weapons inspection team reported that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

Instead of accepting this report, Bush and Blair decided to pray to their God for advice. Unsurprisingly their ancient Hebrew war god told them to invade.

They should have both been executed for instigating the illegal war.
"You don't rock when you live in a Glass House"
How about the Australian Brown administration. I believe he committed your forces to Iraq to help remove those weapons.

We already know your are a Atheist , so why the rant about prayer, etc.
This is sounding kind of like what people were thinking about saddam, he should be dealt with for the evil things he's doing to people... Odd how things seem to go around in circles...

Yet, you want us to do something about the problems over there now!!!!!!kinda of Hypocritical don you think?
No. But they acted contrary to the best information available and chose to follow the advice of a delusional manifestation of their own ego. Millions died because of their arrogance.
Of which you country Australia, had a part in. Yep hypocritical to say the least.
Of which you country Australia, had a part in. Yep hypocritical to say the least.

Only if Galaxiom agreed with Brown, I am not aware that you agree with everything your current pres does.
Many Of us Brits would be quite happy to see Blair in The Hague on trial for war crimes

Yet, you want us to do something about the problems over there now!!!!!!kinda of Hypocritical don you think?

Sorry - I'm not sure what you are talking about Blade. I don't remember having said anything about 'doing anything about the problems' - ? I guess it was some of your mud slinging forum stuff that really don't mean a hill of beans :p
Only if Galaxiom agreed with Brown, I am not aware that you agree with everything your current pres does.
Many Of us Brits would be quite happy to see Blair in The Hague on trial for war crimes

You see, that is what I don't understand. What did you want him to do? You did not want a presence in Iraq war?

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