American Foreign Policy - Explanation Please?

Some do not care about a dictator that appears to be on the verge of taking over a another country, Saddam wanted Kuwait like Hilter wanted Poland. Not to worry, we'd probably assist when Saddam got to the English Channel...
Some do not care about a dictator that appears to be on the verge of taking over a another country, Saddam wanted Kuwait like Hilter wanted Poland. Not to worry, we'd probably assist when Saddam got to the English Channel...

Maggie and Bush sir had thrown Saddam out of Kuwait, that was a different war. The one we are talking about was launched under a constructed false premise.

Some do not care about a dictator that appears to be on the verge of taking over a another country, Saddam wanted Kuwait like Hilter wanted Poland. Not to worry, we'd probably assist when Saddam got to the English Channel...

I believe the success of fracking makes corporate annexation by the US less likely.
Maggie and Bush sir had thrown Saddam out of Kuwait, that was a different war. The one we are talking about was launched under a constructed false premise.


Brian you keep saying that. What was false about it. He did have chem weapons however, most people decided it was not enough to warrant the war. However, everyone forget 9-11. When it happened one part of the agenda was to find the extremist (terrorist) anywhere in the world and destroy their ability to ever to that again to any country. Sadam was found to harbor including having training camps for terrorist in his country.
Brian you keep saying that. What was false about it. He did have chem weapons however, most people decided it was not enough to warrant the war. However, everyone forget 9-11. When it happened one part of the agenda was to find the extremist (terrorist) anywhere in the world and destroy their ability to ever to that again to any country. Sadam was found to harbor including having training camps for terrorist in his country.

The UK had Abu Hamza in our country for years, he openly praised the 9/11 attacks, he taught terrorist ideals to young UK Muslims...

Why didn't the US launch a war against the UK for harboring Terrorists..

By your justification for the war in Iraq you should have done, so why didn't you?
everyone forget 9-11.

Believe me it is impossible to forget about 9-11, it gets dragged up every single year on that day in some form or another, and yes it was a tragedy, and yes it was an atrocity... and yes 3000+ lost their lives needlessly...

Over 120k people lost their lives in the Tsunami on Boxing Day in the Indian Ocean yet that is hardly mentioned each year...

The Holocaust of WWII is again hardly mentioned year on year, and Millions of innocent men, women and children lost their lives at the hands of the Nazis...

Believe me it is impossible to forget about 9-11...
The UK had Abu Hamza in our country for years, he openly praised the 9/11 attacks, he taught terrorist ideals to young UK Muslims...

Why didn't the US launch a war against the UK for harboring Terrorists..

By your justification for the war in Iraq you should have done, so why didn't you?

did he teach them under the auspices of a Mosque, classroom training, chat room training or was there actual training camps? Quite a bit of difference.
Believe me it is impossible to forget about 9-11, it gets dragged up every single year on that day in some form or another, and yes it was a tragedy, and yes it was an atrocity... and yes 3000+ lost their lives needlessly...

Over 120k people lost their lives in the Tsunami on Boxing Day in the Indian Ocean yet that is hardly mentioned each year...

The Holocaust of WWII is again hardly mentioned year on year, and Millions of innocent men, women and children lost their lives at the hands of the Nazis...

Believe me it is impossible to forget about 9-11...

Scott you bring up a good point. Like everything else, time seems to heal/erase all of the past unless it is written down. 4000 plus soldiers lost their lives in the sneak attack by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1942. The way they are rewriting some of the history books, the young people don't even know about these important not to forget dates of world history. How are they suppose to not let it happen again if they don't know and taking the advise of the elderly is now days almost illegal. I suspect the rest of the world is the same way so we are doomed to repeat history every 75-100 years that is until one day we do it right and annihilate ourselves.

I suspect in another 1-2 years 9-11 will be replaced by another tragedy somewhere in the world. Eventually 9-11 will be just another day on the calendar.
I think the Brits have it right on this one. If we had absolute proof of WMD's and genocide, then pound them into oblivion without boots on the ground. Otherwise a well-placed cruise missile may have gotten their attention, without the protracted war and quagmire were in now.

we had absolute proof of Genocidee (kurds with Gas)---who should we bomb, civilians?

To bomb the training camps would only serve to move them around. What area would we bomb for the WMD's. Rem, he had jet plane hidden under the sand in the Desert Storm war. (i.e. Kuwait).

We, I say we, I mean all of us (the alliance) drove al-quida out and gave them no where to train or hide. It took the boots on the ground to do this.
did he teach them under the auspices of a Mosque, classroom training, chat room training or was there actual training camps? Quite a bit of difference.

That all depends on your definition of a 'Training Camp' he trained young Muslims to think a certain way which would have encouraged them to seek further radicalization abroad in physical training camps... the seed however was borne from this man..

So yes, the UK was harboring a Terrorist, so why didn't you attack us...

Hell the UK even, and still are funding his whole family through Welfare payments...

So why aren't you on our beaches with your Ground Troops, or delivering drone strikes to our targets?
we had absolute proof of Genocidee (kurds with Gas)---who should we bomb, civilians?

To bomb the training camps would only serve to move them around. What area would we bomb for the WMD's. Rem, he had jet plane hidden under the sand in the Desert Storm war. (i.e. Kuwait).

We, I say we, I mean all of us (the alliance) drove al-quida out and gave them no where to train or hide. It took the boots on the ground to do this.

And the Kurds were affiliated with Saddam how?

And upon leaving you allow a Kurdish Government into Power, that same Government that has kicked all the Sunni and Shia muslims out of power, the same Sunni muslims who are now rebels in the country...

So lets recap, you 'claimed' to have proof that Kurds had Gas, and were using it, you had concrete proof that these Kurds were affiliated with Saddam. You allow said Kurds with alleged WMD to run the Government...

Worked out well eh...

Perhaps you can invade the UK, oust David Cameron from Power, and pull down the statue of Winston Churchill, and put BNP into power... :rolleyes:
Scott , you misunderstood Blade, he was saying that Saddam gassed the Kurds but you , and he, might like to read this

The present Iraq government is Shia and is marginalising the Sunnis , as I said in my first post the problems in the Middle East are religious based and we should have always stayed out of it.

That all depends on your definition of a 'Training Camp' he trained young Muslims to think a certain way which would have encouraged them to seek further radicalization abroad in physical training camps... the seed however was borne from this man..

So yes, the UK was harboring a Terrorist, so why didn't you attack us...

Hell the UK even, and still are funding his whole family through Welfare payments...

So why aren't you on our beaches with your Ground Troops, or delivering drone strikes to our targets?

I guess we should take into account your weapons of mass destruction as well?
And the Kurds were affiliated with Saddam how?

And upon leaving you allow a Kurdish Government into Power, that same Government that has kicked all the Sunni and Shia muslims out of power, the same Sunni muslims who are now rebels in the country...

So lets recap, you 'claimed' to have proof that Kurds had Gas, and were using it, you had concrete proof that these Kurds were affiliated with Saddam. You allow said Kurds with alleged WMD to run the Government...

Worked out well eh...

Perhaps you can invade the UK, oust David Cameron from Power, and pull down the statue of Winston Churchill, and put BNP into power... :rolleyes:

exactly why we should have left a contingent there.

p.s. Sadam USED Gas on the Kurdish people of Iraq after Desert Storm. Remember?????/ The Government we left was kurdish, shia and sunni. As you said, the day after we left he put the sunni vice president in prison and fired some of the others. Yes, your right, they had nowhere to go but to the rebels. Now we have a civil war in Iraq with a touch of terrorism that could spill over into surrounding countries. Not Good.
You are right in the respect that once we had done the damage in the country, we should have left a contingency there, although wouldn't that have been seen as Overlords imposing our ways of Democracy rather than letting the country find it's own way...

Of course leaving the country to Find it's own way has resulted in what we are seeing now...

The question for me is, would all this have transpired if we had not ousted Saddam from Government... better the Devil you know comes to mind...
6/23/2014 -> Kerry will fix Iraq... not

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