Another mass shooting

Shooting at Super Bpwl parade. Lets not do anything about it. We lost 50,000 soldiers in Viet Nam. We are loosing 40,000 civilians a year because there is no gun control. Stupid. If you have gun, any gun, you should have a license, and there should be background checks. Or, lets arm everyone and see how that works out.

Did you know most crime is committed by a tiny group of repeat offenders? Give Access Blaster's suggestion a second look, jpl.
Simply locking up bad people will eliminate most crime.
I could agree with background checks for all, as long as people are still allowed to carry a sidearm given that they are good (law abiding record) people. And certain types of 'records' should be given a hard look - those types that are just too easy to slap people with when people are in a dispute. Domestic violence chief among them, which is both A) Extremely easy to claim, B) Almost impossible to defend against, C) frequently co-occurs with bitter relationship separations and is an 'add-on' without cause, D) Almost always has to be plead out

Unfortunately, several of the recent shooters - including at Nashville and joel osteen's church, have been people with gender identity confusion disorder, which seems to cooccur with large levels of resentment, similar to spurned young white men who have some kind of sexual resentment.
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Nice chart. I notice there are a lot more deaths after Biden took office. Also lots more suicides. Anyone care to speculate why?

You can't really take the 2020 figure into consideration because there was a global lockdown and very unusual circumstances.
That should be obvious. All the conservative depression. Lol
I noticed this story faded fast once the perps were identified. On to the next nothing burger 🍔
The polling data shows that most Republicans are already willing to date Democrats. (Which makes sense, since Democrats make more attractive partners.) It's mostly Democrats — and mostly women — who decline to date those from the other party.
And who would the bigot be? Speaking of "more attractive partners", @Uncle Gizmo posted a video of a gen-Z woman wining about how her boyfriend forgot to text her good morning - among other things she later defined as crimes before she dumped him. Maybe he'll try someone who is self reliant instead of a self absorbed, needy winer next time.
Define Bad.
Given the way the DOJ chooses to prosecute crimes - someone who doesn't think like you do.
So in a place where gun control is very tight, here's the next result of trying to disarm people. Six deaths not counting the perpetrator.

If that perp had tried this in a Texas shopping center, the incident might have ended a bit sooner. That state still has laws to allow concealed carry of firearms.
So in a place where gun control is very tight, here's the next result of trying to disarm people. Six deaths not counting the perpetrator.

If that perp had tried this in a Texas shopping center, the incident might have ended a bit sooner. That state still has laws to allow concealed carry of firearms.
The Texans would have used him for target practice.
This story will fade fast once the perp is identified, the mainstream media will lose interest almost immediately.
So in a place where gun control is very tight, here's the next result of trying to disarm people. Six deaths not counting the perpetrator.

If that perp had tried this in a Texas shopping center, the incident might have ended a bit sooner. That state still has laws to allow concealed carry of firearms.

They have really strict knife laws too.

Possessing, using, or carrying an illegal knife in a public place can result in a fine or even a jail sentence.In Australia, all knives are divided into two categories: prohibited and restricted. Prohibited knives are those that cannot be bought, sold, used, or possessed unless the user has a valid reason for doing so. These include flick knives, butterfly knives, swords, machetes, spears, and any knife with a double-edged blade. These knives are illegal to possess in any public place and can carry a prison sentence of up to 14 years.
So in a place where gun control is very tight, here's the next result of trying to disarm people. Six deaths not counting the perpetrator.
It's interesting that a country with more than 40,000 deaths and 600 of mass shooting each year as gun violence, says 6 or 10 is too much and thinks it's the result of disarming people. So arm them to be safer.

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It's interesting that a country with more than 40,000 deaths and 600 of mass shooting each year as gun violence, says 6 or 10 is too much and thinks it's the result of disarming people. So arm them to be safer.

It is clear that you still don't understand. Violence is in people, not in guns. The ONLY way to assure a future in which people will not do violence to other people is to have absolute 100% birth control so that in that future, there will BE no people - no one to be a perpetrator, no one to be a victim. The evil is not in guns or knives. It is in people, but nobody wants to face that. Nobody wants to admit that gun control and knife control are just blowout patches on the bicycle tire. That tire is STILL going to blow out no matter how many patches you put on it.
It is clear that you still don't understand. ………Nobody wants to admit that gun control and knife control are just blowout patches on the bicycle tire. That tire is STILL going to blow out no matter how many patches you put on it.
I say you don’t understand. Put a knife in an angry man’s hand and a gun in another angry man’s.
Now guess who kills more.
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Or put a bullwhip in one man's hands and a gun in the hands of his intended victim. Then you have Indiana Jones.

The point is, when someone is confronted with potential death from a clearly violent assailant, their odds of survival go up when they have a gun and have learned how to properly use it. Yes, in either case there would be violence - but the gun wielder who successfully defended him/herself is unlikely to continue the rampage when compared to the perpetrator of the attack, who usually DOES continue if not stopped.
I do love the Japanese culture as the children are taught respect for their elders and family in general. Each family wants their son or daughter to grow up to be a person that represents the whole family well. I admit I haven't been there in quite a long time so no idea what it's like now. But based on their society overall, it does appear that they side more to the side of goodness than badness. It's something that might be objectionable if you are an adolescent growing up with less freedom to or dress how you want in school, but in the end the society ends up being much more civil. They even have a handle on teaching how to live healthy lives which keeps the health care costs down.

So my point is that it's all one culture that works for them. Here in the US we have too many people who have not assimilated into the American culture and we just have rouge cultures all over the place. Some better than others, but it's pretty much corrupted and over the generations of having too much freedom, we have been corrupted on a societal and governmental level like we have never seen before. So while we value our right to bare arms as citizens, we do not enjoy the fruits of a many generations of well meaning families that worked to train their children well. The schools are run by libs and while they might seem to have good intentions, they care much less about the family unit and it's importance and instead make insane assertions on letting the children choose their identity and demand others respect their pronouns and attempt to claim ownership of your child's mind.

The idea that woman would ever want to abort their baby for any other reason than ra** or threat to her own life is just mind boggling, but directly a result of libs in charge of schooling and dysfunctional families. Abortion in Japan is allowed but only under a term limit of 22 weeks for endangerment to the health of the pregnant woman, economic hardship, or ra**. Of course to own a gun in Japan you have to have a specific reason to own it and pass marksmanship tests to 95% accuracy every three years. That's similar in China as well. Most police in Japan don't even carry a gun and just utilize their mixed martial arts to handle the majority of situations, and why not if the public has already been disarmed. That's not going to work here in the States.

Doing evil or wrong stems from the heart and not weapons. People killed each other way before gun powder was invented by the Chinese and this innate potential to do harm to others will continue on into the future. New weapons are being created that have the potential for great good or great harm depending on how you use it. How any technology is used is based on you and not the weapon or technology although I admit that having a nuclear weapon is just something no one should have because it threatens our existence as a species so it should be avoided. It would be nice to eliminate that technology and use the neuralizer to erase the memory of all who have the technical knowledge of it worldwide, but unfortunately that's just not possible. We have to learn to love one another. I wonder where that message comes from.

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