Are you a Lefty or a Conservative (1 Viewer)

Better than guns - is the experience of Abby Sunderland, who at 16 attempted to sail around the world. One article here: Parents of rescued teenage sailor Abby Sunderland accused of risking her life. In terms of the original lefty/conservative debate, here we have a person who was evidently well taught and was able to meet the challenge of adverse weather all by herself. Instead of congratulating here for her maturity, thinking, and self-reliance, the media began a blitz of articles questioning the sanity of the endeavor to diminish its importance as a demonstration of self-reliance in the face of adversity. What we also seem to forget is that not too many years ago, by the time one was 16 they were already considered adults, now we seem to want to overprotect our children even into the 20s.

Hmmm, maybe I had better rescind what I just wrote since I am way over 20 and it occurs to me that children in that age group act without thinking and probably should be put into padded cells until they actually demonstrate intelligence.:D
I'm not questioning it, I'd just like to read the source. If crime rates, in general, are higher in the UK, I'd like to see exactly what they're classifying as a crime for that statistic.

They are quite high. I will see if I can get from stuff for you.

The numbers have been used in Australia quite a lot and they must be true because it stops the Greenies/Gun Control groups cold.

America has a very low rate of home break ins and for obvious reasons.

Where I live in Sydney most of the houses have had break ins but not me. It is very clear that I am armed and also very clear that I would like someone to have a go:) I even had complaints from two neighbours that my open gunship was not right as statistically it increased their chances of a break in since my place would not be in the equation. You can imagine my reaction:D

As a side note, anyone here like the idea of only the police and military being allowed to own guns?
Does anyone know why the anti gun movement is with the far left of politics. I am not talking about some individual (like some on this thread) that are anti gun but the movers and shakers of anti gun.

My guess is the far left is driven by not wanting ownership of anything that is not "needed' including cars, houses etc that are above and beyond what is "needed"
As a side note, anyone here like the idea of only the police and military being allowed to own guns?
It gets worse. Are Cameras the New Guns? Attempts are now being made to make it illegal to video tape police that are in public places. As a minor aside Are radar detectors legal?.

We supposedly live in a free society, yet we seem to see more laws that restrict a citizens rights to "facilitate" law enforcement. Police state anyone?
Does anyone know why the anti gun movement is with the far left of politics. I am not talking about some individual (like some on this thread) that are anti gun but the movers and shakers of anti gun.

My guess is the far left is driven by not wanting ownership of anything that is not "needed' including cars, houses etc that are above and beyond what is "needed"

As usual mike your full of shit. In the UK the parties across the political spectrum are pro gun control. It's only the nutters that want gun control relaxed, I think the bnp are in favour of it.
Where I live in Sydney most of the houses have had break ins but not me. It is very clear that I am armed and also very clear that I would like someone to have a go:) I even had complaints from two neighbours that my open gunship was not right as statistically it increased their chances of a break in since my place would not be in the equation. You can imagine my reaction:D

As a side note, anyone here like the idea of only the police and military being allowed to own guns?

You really are a nut. You want someone to break in so you can shoot them:eek: what kind of a fucked up individual are you? Really go get some professional help.

Yep police and military sound good to me.
As a side note, anyone here like the idea of only the police and military being allowed to own guns?
Sounds completely sensible to me. Not surprised you think it is weird
I'm not saying that someone should be sued over that incident - However - I think there is merit in not exposing children to things that just aren't meant for them to know yet -
As breast feeding gives children the best start How do you breast feed a child without showing himher the nipple:confused:
As breast feeding gives children the best start How do you breast feed a child without showing himher the nipple:confused:

That's different - and now we can start a convo about why - but really?

Screw it, the topic has been brought up already. How is non-sexual nudeness offensive? A boob and nipple by themselves are not sexual, only what is done with them. They are exposed to nudity from the day they are born!

I guess my point of reference is this. Children these days are exposed to so much crap, girls are going through puberty earlier and earlier (I think because of growth hormones that are being put into food for the sake making the animals grow bigger), kids know about sex before they are mature enough (physically and emotionally) to handle the repercussions of their actions if they choose to act on that knowledge. I think the context is everything, the nipple exposure was not accidental, say what you want, my 9 year old brother was watching, and honestly I would rather he didn't think about those things or be exposed to them for a few more years. (He's 15 now, so I'm sure he has been exposed to a lot more). It just showed poor judgement. There are a lot of things society allows the days that I think are inappropriate. That's just my opinion. If you really want to get into it, it's a modesty issue, and to shut the convo up, it's a religious viewpoint for me.... I think modesty is important.

Guns - IMore to come when I get to work! I'm late!
I would have thought christians would be all for a bit of immodesty, the bible does say be fruitful and multiply afterall. Maybe a bible bikini and thong edition, where the women and men are illustrated, would be good idea to get people in the mood for some lurve making.
I would have thought christians would be all for a bit of immodesty, the bible does say be fruitful and multiply afterall. Maybe a bible bikini and thong edition, where the women and men are illustrated, would be good idea to get people in the mood for some lurve making.

Ha :p - yeah no.
Where I live in Sydney most of the houses have had break ins but not me. It is very clear that I am armed and also very clear that I would like someone to have a go:) I even had complaints from two neighbours that my open gunship was not right as statistically it increased their chances of a break in since my place would not be in the equation. You can imagine my reaction:D

Their concerns were misplaced. Their children are statistically more likely to get killed when climbing your fence to get their ball back. :rolleyes:
As usual mike your full of shit. In the UK the parties across the political spectrum are pro gun control. It's only the nutters that want gun control relaxed, I think the bnp are in favour of it.

Not talking about the major parties but the anti gun groups. The anti gun groups are always far to the left
You really are a nut. You want someone to break in so you can shoot them:eek: what kind of a fucked up individual are you? Really go get some professional help.

Then they won't cause anyone else trouble in the future.
As breast feeding gives children the best start How do you breast feed a child without showing himher the nipple:confused:

There are countries where only the military and police can own guns, at least legally.
Not talking about the major parties but the anti gun groups. The anti gun groups are always far to the left

Yeah those "Mothers Against Guns" are a right bunch of commies. :rolleyes:
Then they won't cause anyone else trouble in the future.

That wasn't the point.

You are actually wanting someone to break into your house so you can shoot them. Thats just screwed up and shows what an absolute lunatic you are. You actually can't wait to have an excuse to shoot and kill someone. You are one sick fuck.
that wasn't the point.

You are actually wanting someone to break into your house so you can shoot them. Thats just screwed up and shows what an absolute lunatic you are. You actually can't wait to have an excuse to shoot and kill someone. You are one sick fuck.

I am here waiting :D:D:D
Originally Posted by Rabbie
As breast feeding gives children the best start How do you breast feed a child without showing himher the nipple:confused:

There are countries where only the military and police can own guns, at least legally.

Did you, perhaps, quote the wrong post by Rabbie? Or are you answering him in a very surreal way:confused:

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