Attack on Israel

The obvious reason for the US taking action in Kuwait is: Oil ($$$$$).
Prior to that Great Britain and the French had divided the boundaries for that exact reason, oil. WW1 needed oil and BP wanted to be the supplier.
Yes, but it is certainly a unique way to repudiate a debt.
Here we do it the "legal" way. The President signs an executive order and voila. Student debt cancelled. No rent due to the owner of the apartment building because those people are rich and don't need the rent to pay their mortgage :poop:
The US went into action to take-out Saddam Hussein after he invaded Kuwait.
Technically no. They went into action to protect Saudi Arabia who was next. We could have stopped the invasion of Kuwait if we wanted to because I'm pretty sure we watched the build up in real time unless our military was out shopping for pregnant person flight suits at the time and had lost focus on world events.

And if we had actually taken out Saddam Hussein after the first real invasion, the shiites were ready to take over and fill the gap. But we didn't and so Sadam wiped out the shiite communities in the marshlands of the shatt al arab by draining the swamps. Then when we finally did take him out, he left a void that couldn't be filled. This is a pretty typical US foreign policy. Don't back the right people. Act at the wrong time. When you take out a "strong man", you have to be prepared to replace him with another "strong man". Not that we should interfere at all but if we do , we ought to at least do it right. Look what we did to Libya? I think they've devolved to having open slave markets.
They went into action to protect Saudi Arabia

Perhaps you can tell your cousin that even to think of such cruelty for whatever reason shows the mind of a total uncaring idiot. Its a shame the sewer brain wasn't ten pin bowling in Maine the other night.

The cousin understands the simile but apparently you don't. The image is INTENDED to make you think of the uncaring idiots on ALL sides of that conflict. If you ever visit New Orleans, Col, I'll take you bowling.

And in this case, I do NOT apologize for using a grotesque simile to illustrate a grotesque point. In fact, the grotesqueness of the image is kind of the point. If you fail to appreciate it, that isn't my problem.
If you ever visit New Orleans, Col, I'll take you bowling.
Actually, I'd like that. New Orleans is the one place in the USA I would like to visit, all those jazz clubs etc. But, I also like bowling, my best score is 230. A nice chat and a few drinks with you sounds good.
Maybe I overreacted a little. Animal cruelty is probably the one thing that makes me angry, especially cruelty to cats or dogs. I would still like to meet your cousin though.
I don't know Docs cousin, but if he is from Southern LA, then it's a good bet he would have been armed and could have taken the shooter down.
Actually, I'd like that. New Orleans is the one place in the USA I would like to visit, all those jazz clubs etc. But, I also like bowling, my best score is 230. A nice chat and a few drinks with you sounds good.
Maybe I overreacted a little. Animal cruelty is probably the one thing that makes me angry, especially cruelty to cats or dogs. I would still like to meet your cousin though.

My best score was a 262 in a school league I joined back in the early 1960s.

I am not one for animal cruelty either, Col, but it was the image I used because it symbolizes the unsettling nature of those Middle East events.

As to my cousins... most of them live two states away in central Alabama - about a 320-350 mile drive depending on which cousins I might wish to visit. I doubt you could ever meet them.
I think it is time for college graduates who donate to their alma maters to pull a bud light and just stop giving whether you're Jewish or not. The hypocrisy of the college administrators is mind blowing. They go out of their way to make "safe spaces" so that should someone like Ben Shapiro actually get to speak on campus, Jimmy and Suzie Snowflake will have a place to go and hide to make sure they won't hear a word Shapiro says because they've been indoctrinated into believing that just hearing what a conservative has to say represents some threat to them personally. However, when students are threatened with physical violence by other students, mums the word. How are these students ever going to feel safe on campus again as day after day, they have to see their tormentors who never got even a slap on the wrist for their evil behavior?
OK, @Edgar_ - look at the video in post #270 and remember our discussion regarding decapitated children. Go ahead and defend the animals who did this heinous crime. Go ahead and justify this action based on treatment of Palestinians. Let's hear the moral high ground for THIS one. I'm waiting. Before, I could be open minded because the decapitation reports got walked back. But now?
OK, @Edgar_ - look at the video in post #270 and remember our discussion regarding decapitated children. Go ahead and defend the animals who did this heinous crime. Go ahead and justify this action based on treatment of Palestinians. Let's hear the moral high ground for THIS one. I'm waiting. Before, I could be open minded because the decapitation reports got walked back. But now?
He's talking about something horrible he says he saw. And I remember our discussion regarding decapitated children, I told you we need irrefutable evidence of news of that kind, otherwise it's propaganda. You can see how his description is making you feel, it's very effective at that. Now, you present me a 1 minute excerpt, waiting for me to justify the bombing of innocents just because of that one minute video. I could go and look up who he is, and why I should believe his testimony, but one thing is for certain, this day passed for you comfortably (I think), but 500+ people died today over there, Richard. Why don't you show me a video of him describing the things innocent Palestinians are going through, RIGHT NOW, BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS, as well?

I've seen some terrible stuff too, done in the name of money, religion, vengeance, etc. What the man is describing is the despicable acts of another human being, or group of human beings, if he has the evidence of it, he should present it, so the people responsible for that can pay for the acts. But the fact is that there is an entire country bombing civilians right now, I don't see you questioning any of the reasons why those Hamas were able to go through Israel's defense system while riding bikes, for example, but it is too late. Richard, I can do nothing. I already said in this thread that wars are terrible, what else do you want from me? It is not I who said:
I think war is now essential.
It's him.
I say turn Gaza to glass
It's her.

And others have said similar stuff. I condemn it. Both sides, but then again, are we sure it's two sides? I already told you, by the time the truth comes out, it'll be too late, and it is too late. This thread is a sad joke right now.

I don't expect anything from you, Richard, by the way. You and others can grab this post and twist it as you wish.
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Christopher Hitchins sums it up nicely.

@Edgar_ - I am as against large-scale armed conflict as any sane person. But there are egregious actions that cannot be ignored, that cannot be allowed to go unanswered. Thus, Ukraine/Russia conflicts continue. Now we have the Gaza/Israeli conflict. Where will the next armed conflict occur? I don't know. But I return to this fact: When it comes to war, it takes two to end a war but only one to start or to perpetuate a war. I grieve for the many families on both sides. But grief cannot be an excuse to roll over and play dead while human jackals ravage children. Rolling over and playing dead risks (with high probability) changing it from "playing" to "being."
"In war truth is always the first casualty."
Just look at what happens to Palestinian journalists anytime their coverage starts gaining traction.
Elon Musk is getting bashed for offering starlink to Gaza after electricity, telephone, and internet blackouts. Why?

Israel's communication minister Shlomo Karhi vowed to fight the move - "Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight this".

I still remember when videos of on the ground in Palestine were getting more circulation back in May 2021, after Palestinians began protesting after the Supreme Court of Israel ruled on evicting more Palestinian families out of Sheikh Jarrah, part of Palestinian Territory. - then a day or two later saw the Al Jazeera News Agency headquarters leveled to the ground.

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I found it interesting yesterday, Benjamin Netanyahu brought up the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as a justification for continuing forth. both of those events had suspicious pretext (for me) as does this apparent sneak attack.

There are two or three of us asking the question how could this sneak attack be possible? Given the nature of Israeli security and the months of planning in plain sight. Until someone answers that question, I will remain skeptical of the reason this was allowed to happen.
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It's her.
You also don't understand hyperbole. I would far prefer that no more people die but for that to happen, Hamas has to let go of its death hold on Gaza AND it has to stop attacking Israel. And the Muslims in Gaza need to stop teaching their children arithmetic by counting dead Jews. This is so abhorrent I can't even believe it is possible that people would actually use school books to teach hatred to their children. What kind of monster teaches a child to hate? Even though Hamas is the major culprit, the citizens allow it by not insisting on voting in a new government. Israel left Gaza to rule itself 20 years ago and look what they've done with their free state. The Palestinians in Gaza did this to themselves by allowing Hamas to spend their money on bombs and suicide bombing rather than infrastructure for the good of the people they rule. They take the aid and instead of distributing it to the people, they sell it to the people so they can buy bombs. Therefore, no matter what aid you send to Gaza, it goes to support the terrorist attacks rather than be given to the residents.

This Oct 7th attack was not warfare. It was a terrorist attack by a terrorist organization. There were no military or government targets. The target of this attack were civilians in their homes or at a concert. The terrorists went into Israel on a mission of death. Their objective was to kill, maim, ra**, capture unarmed civilians in order to terrorize the Israeli population. They made this conflict personal. Put yourself there. You are having breakfast with your family and armed men wearing masks (they always wear masks because they can't show their faces) barge into your home. They ra** your wife and daughter and then kill them and finally you. Then they eat the breakfast you were cooking and put your youngest child in the oven and turn it on. And they videoed it. The Israelis are showing this captured video and others to various reporters. It is far too horrific to release publicly, plus it would be disrespectful to the victims and the family.

In Gaza, it is not possible to separate the terrorists from the civilians. WHY because, the terrorists will not let the civilians evacuate prior to an Israeli attack. They always have warning and time to evacuate but Hamas won't let them evacuate to a safe area. The terrorists are using civilians for shields. The Israelis are doing their best to avoid killing civilians but in this situation, it can't be helped. Hamas is in a kill zone (except of course for the leaders in their villas in the south of France which were paid for with charitable donations) and the Israelis are taking care of business and exterminating the swine that they are.

Ask yourself why Egypt built a bigger wall at the southern end of the country than Israel did around the northern and eastern edges.
Ask yourself why no neighboring country will allow Palestinian refugees in.
Ask yourself what you would do if you saw a video of your grandmother being killed on the internet?

And now we have Jewish students being threatened with violence at college campuses around the country. They are not Israelis. They don't have anything to do with what is happening in Gaza. But they're Jews and Hamas wants ALL Jews killed so they've brought the problem to us.
In Gaza, it is not possible to separate the terrorists from the civilians.
The Palestinian civilians voted for terrorists and their policy of the destruction of Israel and Jews. They have blood on their hands.

You won't have peace until you accept a two-state solution. I am no expert, but I think part of the problem is that in Islam, there is an inbuilt hatred of Jews, or treating them differently to anyone else. Perhaps someone else could clarify if this is true or not. If this is true, then how do you get past a situation where the religion itself looks down on Jews?

There is always outrage from the usual suspects over Israeli self-defence, but why is there silence from these same people when Hamas send thousands of rockets into civilian areas over many years? If Israelis were doing what Hamas was doing for the last 20 years, they would be outraged again. Always outrage against Jews, silence for the initiator of conflict.

Then look at what is going on around the world, In Russia, storming an airfield to get the Jews! Who cares if they are civilians escaping a war zone. Let's get the Jew! Look at Paris today, where someone went to the metro and shouted the usual phrase whilst threatening to detonate a suicide bomb. Or the murder in the UK recently, as a result of Palestinian conflict. Or the murder of the teacher in France. I could go on but you get the point. Maybe someone could point to the Jews doing this sort of thing endlessly, or is that just a little bit harder to find?

You won't have peace if from cradle to grave the Jew is your enemy.

For those who are interested in the statistics, the following site gives a running total of attacks by week, month, year etc. Breaks it down by attacks, numbers killed, numbers injured, and the suicide blast count. I had to search for Religion of Peace on DuckDuckGo to get the site. Looks like Google has sanitised the search results to make it harder to find.

The following link shows the last 30 days. It is a clearly global phenomenon if you look at the location of all this violence. Just look at the descriptions of each attack in the right column. It really does open your eyes. Are you shocked at how frequently this is happening? Most of this never gets a mention anywhere. Thoughts on a postcard.

P.S. Don't shoot the messenger!
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