Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example


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Today, 21:08
Jun 30, 2021
Hi, New to all this, but can someone suggest if there is place to download template (or if someone already has one) for Attendance/Membership and membership fees. Looking to create this for a local community club. Thanks.
Thanks gasman, I have 2013 but there doesn't see o be one that fits. I'll look at the links provided. Thanks
That is great, will play with that and see how I get on. Will you be able to help if I need to know 'how do I do...' type questions?
That is great, will play with that and see how I get on. Will you be able to help if I need to know 'how do I do...' type questions?
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

When you run into any issues, you can start a new thread to ask a specific question related to the current problem, and a lot of members here will try to help you.
That is great, will play with that and see how I get on. Will you be able to help if I need to know 'how do I do...' type questions?
I'll help if I can, but there a far more qualified members here with way more expertise. Some will even write the code for you.😀
Thanks Pat Will review what you attached and let you know.
Thanks everyone.

Having read and looked at the sample dbase I think that I need as follows;

Members Table - One unique record per member (Personal Details, Contact Details)
MembershipStatus Table - One record per member (Fully Paid, Retired, Student, Widow, etc)
MembersAddress Table - many address to one member (Home address(es)
AnnualSubscription Table - many years subscription to one member (from date joined to current year, whether paid or not, receipt number, etc)
Attendance Table - many records to one member (holds if we invited them to a meeting, attended or not, sent apologies or not

From there I think I need a number of forms for input and various reports

Does that make sense and have I missed anything?
Well unless you want to track their status?, so a member can go from Fully Paid to Retired, I would just have the status in the Members table and amend when needed?
That's a good point Gasman, there is also a requirement to take a member who passes away for us to insert Spouses name without any membership dues.

Also, can a member record hold attachments, say their actual membership form they completed?

The more I think about it the more complex this gets.
Does that make sense and have I missed anything?
Since we don't know what you need, we wouldn't know what might be missing.

I would think long and hard about storing multiple addresses per individual. Do you need to have separate mailing and billing addresses? Do your members move seasonally to a better climate? Are you trying to save space by storing one address to be shared by all family members? That's actually harder than it sounds.
That's a good point Gasman, there is also a requirement to take a member who passes away for us to insert Spouses name without any membership dues.

Also, can a member record hold attachments, say their actual membership form they completed?

The more I think about it the more complex this gets.
Well if they are also subscribers what do you do then?

I would hold the documents in a prescribed folder for membership forms and just the path in the DB.

Yes, that is always the case. However if you think it all out now, all the scenarios that have happened, and could happen, then that goes a long way to getting it right in the first place, and will save you a lot of trouble further down the line?

Most inexperienced people just jump in feet first and then want to know how to swim :)
Hi, New to all this, but can someone suggest if there is place to download template (or if someone already has one) for Attendance/Membership and membership fees. Looking to create this for a local community club. Thanks.
I wrote a database for our local community house in Victoria Australia. See below for description and videos. Manuals can be provided.
Home Page
Have a look as I think it maybe what you want. If you want a copy I will send you one.
Hi Pekajo, This looks to be what i may be looking for. Can you kindly send me a copy, please?

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