Well, I answered all the questions.
What do you recommend?
For example, how to share the database so that there are no different versions?
All users are in the same city.
with a long distance
In the design of the front end, if the database is not shared, this is the same problem.
The information in our reference books is also constantly changing and has not yet been finalized.
The users are in different buildings in the same city. You have no central location on which you can install a shared back end.
Perhaps I assume too much about what you already understand about Access databases. I apologize.
The standard approach used by the great majority of experienced Access developers is called a "Split Database".
What that means is you have two accdbs, not one.
One of those two accdbs has only the tables in it. It's usually referred to as the Back End, or BE for short.
The other accdb has the forms, the reports, the queries, and the code (VBA or macros) in it. It is usually referred to as the Front End, or FE for short.
There is one production copy of the BE, and you, the developer keep another copy for development, testing etc. It is on your computer where only you can open it.
The production BE is placed in a network folder on a server. All users have permissions to connect to that BE. I will come back to that point later.
Each user has a copy of the FE on their own computer. The FE has NO data in it. It has only the forms, the queries, etc.
That's how you avoid the import and synchronization problem. All data is always and only in the BE and the BE manages that shared data.
If you don't have physical resources for a shared network server and BE, there are alternatives.
Do you have that available?