Automated import from other database

You appear to be confusing your terminology. You don't join tables with multiple keys.
You join tables using fields. The fields may have indexes or be primary / secondary keys (ideally one or both for better performance).

I've checked and there is nothing in either of my two data synchronisation articles that even approximately matches either of the comments in your last two sentences. I didn't say nor did I mean either of those.

Good luck. I don't believe I can assist you any further with your goal.
Enclosed is some code for an automatic import (only one table!) from several databases one after the other. This is a basis for discussion and is far from being suitable for all conceivable designs.
Sub ImportFromExternDB()
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim sFile As String
    Dim sSQL As String

    Set db = CurrentDb
    sPath = "X:\Anywhere\Importfiles\"

    sFile = Dir(sPath & "*.accdb")
    Do While sFile > vbNullString
        'Debug.Print sFile
        sSQL = "UPDATE TargetTable AS T INNER JOIN [" & sPath & sFile & "].SourceTable AS S" & _
            " ON T.Key1 = S.Key1 AND T.Key2 = S.Key2" & _
            " SET T.Value1 = IIf(T.Value1 IS NULL, S.Value1, T.Value1)," & _
            " T.Value2 = IIf(T.Value2 IS NULL, S.Value2, T.Value2)," & _
            " T.Timestampfield = S.Timestampfield" & _
            " WHERE T.Timestampfield < S.Timestampfield"
        db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError

        sSQL = "INSERT INTO TargetTable(Key1, Key2, Value1, Value2, Timestampfield)" & _
            " SELECT S.Key1, S.Key2, S.Value1, S.Value2, Now()" & _
            " FROM [" & sPath & sFile & "].SourceTable AS S LEFT JOIN TargetTable AS T" & _
            " ON S.Key1 = T.Key1 AND S.Key2 = T.Key2 WHERE T.Key1 Is Null"
        db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError
        sFile = Dir
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub
- An update takes place in one direction, it has nothing to do with synchronization (updating in both directions to produce identical data).
- The external databases are copied to the declared folder for updating.
- In the example queries, a key from the combination of two fields is used (Key1, Key2). This key must be unique, none of these fields must be empty, since you cannot compare to True with NULL content.
I didn't understand your explanations about keys and didn't take them into account.
- A timestamp field is used in the tables, which is updated when new or changed. This allows you to reduce the amount of data for the actual update to what is necessary. Following this logic, all external databases would have to be included in an update process at the same time.

A number of problems remain open, also because they depend on the specific way of working.
SET T.Value1 = IIf(T.Value1 IS NULL, S.Value1, T.Value1)
This means that only an empty field is overwritten here, the first DB with content for this field is taken into account, further and perhaps more correct entries from other DBs or later updates are not taken into account. No existing content will be overwritten by NULL content, so it will not be deleted.
Your specific requirement could be different. Then it would have to be formulated very precisely and without contradictions.
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I am not sure I understand the argument about SMB with regard to SQL Server in any event.

From the discussion, I somehow became convinced that they are trying a "native" Access across the Internet, both FE and BE as .MDB or .ACCDB files. That is where SMB protocol becomes a problem. Thank you for clarifying the meaning of Azure. As I mentioned, I have no experience at all with it, but now I understand better. If it is an ODBC connection, SMB doesn't enter into the picture - at least I don't think it does.

So, how to join two tables with multiple keys?

For the sake of example only, let's say you have table A with fields called K1 and K2, and that they are part of a compound key. You want to join this to table B which has two fields Kappa1 and Kappa2 that correspond to K1 and K2. The JOIN clause might resemble:

SELECT <bunch of fields>
FROM A INNER JOIN B ON ( A.K1 = B.Kappa1) AND ( A.K2 = B.Kappa2 ) 
WHERE <some criteria>

Doing this requires that indexes exist on both tables for the fields that will participate in the JOIN clause.

It is also possible to write this without a JOIN:

SELECT <bunch of fields>
WHERE ( A.K1 = B.Kappa1 ) AND ( A.K2 = B.Kappa2 ) AND <some criteria>

but the latter method is less efficient. However, it might be the only way to implement this if you have no indexes on the key fields.
but the latter method is less efficient. However, it might be the only way to implement this if you have no indexes on the key fields
I would like to contradict that. Both variants work and should produce the same execution plan.
The presence of indexing does not play a role in functionality, but it does play a role in query execution performance (in both cases).
I am not sure I understand the argument about SMB with regard to SQL Server in any event.
I think Doc was thinking Access to Jet/ACE rather than Access to SQL Server
Without the key it takes too long and my device hangs
With the key, since there are duplicate keys, the information gets mixed up and the old and new information is merged into one record
Even in uniqe keys, both old and new information are merged together in one record.
For example, a field has been deleted in the new record, but after merging the old information inserted to that field that was empty!

1. There is NO WAY to connect two sets of data unless there is some unique ID on which to join. It doesn't have to be a single field. It can be three fields, the combination of which is unique. But uniqueness is required.
2. If you allow updates to the same record on BOTH sides of the relationship, there is no way to determine which version is valid. This is a design doomed to failure. When you compound the problem by having multiple shadow copies of the data, the problem becomes unsolvable.

You need to impose rules. For example, records that originate in copy 2 can only be updated by copy 2. Every new record in copies 2-100 becomes a new record in the master copy unless an existing record exists, in which case copy 1 is updated - ALL fields are replaced by the version from copy 2 - assuming that copy 2 created the record originally. If it did not, then it can never update the record.

There is no way for you to implement this without defining specific rules for how data is mapped and who gets to update what. So far, we have seen no clarity on this issue.
Both variants work and should produce the same execution plan.

Depending on indexing, maybe NOT the same plan. Perhaps you don't need an index, but EVERY article I look up to answer the question of whether or not an index is needed says, "In practical terms, yes." (In technical requirements, no.) I.e. you'd be very sorry if you didn't have one.

But the two queries ARE different in one major way. If you look up the "Order of SQL execution" you would find that the JOIN and FROM clauses are processed first, FOLLOWED by any WHERE clauses. The JOIN version reduces the number of records to be processed by the WHERE clause (if any) whereas the non-JOIN version has a Cartesian JOIN set for the WHERE to process. So if there ARE extra criteria for the WHERE clause (in the non-JOIN example), they have more work to do. The WHERE clause in the JOIN example has already had a reduction in the potential size of the return set.
I have found a code that takes the file and deletes the tables completely.

In this case, it is difficult to use join
If it is possible to change the code so that it first imports all the tables into the database, for example, import_takhrij, and then upserts the information using join, and then deletes the import tables, it would be great.
But unfortunately, I don't know anything about this!!

Option Compare Database
Public Type RecRelation
    rName As String
    rAttr As Integer
    rTable As String
    rFtable As String
    rFields As DAO.Fields
End Type
Function ImportRecords()
    Dim recRel() As RecRelation
    Dim Rel As Relation, fld As DAO.Field
    Dim k As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim strSource As String
    Dim tbl As TableDef
    Dim s As String
    strSource = fFileDialogAns(msoFileDialogFilePicker, "", "", "Access Database", "*.accdb;*.mdb")
    If strSource = "" Then Exit Function
    'strSource = CurrentProject.Path & "\old.mdb"
    If CheckTableMatch(strSource) Then
        If MsgBox("ãíÓÑ¡ ÌÏÇæá æ ÝíáÏåÇí ãÈÏÇ ÕÍíÍ ÇÓÊ . ÈÇ ÌÇíÒíäí ÇØáÇÚÇÊ ÌÏÇæá ãæÇÝÞ åÓÊíÏ¿", vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbMsgBoxRight) = vbNo Then Exit Function
        Exit Function
    End If
    k = CurrentDb.Relations.Count
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    If k Then
        k = k - 1
        ReDim recRel(k)
        k = 0
        For Each Rel In CurrentDb.Relations
            recRel(k).rAttr = Rel.Attributes
            recRel(k).rName = Rel.Name
            recRel(k).rTable = Rel.Table
            recRel(k).rFtable = Rel.ForeignTable
            p = Rel.Fields.Count
            Set recRel(k).rFields = Rel.Fields
            CurrentDb.Relations.Delete Rel.Name
            k = k + 1
        Next Rel
    End If
    'On Error Resume Next
   'DELETE Tables content & insert
    For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs
        If tbl.Attributes = 0 Then

'this part need change !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somthing like below ofcource after import tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       strSQL = "UPDATE" & tbl.Name & "RIGHT JOIN" & tbl.Name & "ON" & tbl.Name.key1 = tbl.Name.key1 And tbl.Name.key2 = tbl.Name.key2 & "SET tblData.StartDate = [tblImport].StartDate, tblData.EndDate = [tblImport].EndDate, tblData.NCheck = tblImport.[NCheck];"

            DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
           ' strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & tbl.Name & " SELECT * FROM " & tbl.Name & " IN '" & strSource & "'"
           ' DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
        End If
    If k Then
        'On Error GoTo 0
        For k = 0 To UBound(recRel)
            Set Rel = CurrentDb.CreateRelation(recRel(k).rName, recRel(k).rTable, recRel(k).rFtable, recRel(k).rAttr)
            For j = 0 To recRel(k).rFields.Count - 1
                Set fld = Rel.CreateField(recRel(k).rFields(j).Name)
                fld.ForeignName = recRel(k).rFields(j).ForeignName
                Rel.Fields.Append fld
            CurrentDb.Relations.Append Rel
    End If
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    MsgBox "ÚãáíÇÊ ÌÇíÒíäí ÈÇ ãæÝÞíÊ Èå ÇíÇä ÑÓíÏ"
End Function
Function GetFieldVal(tdf As String, fld As String, Optional Criteria As String = " (1) ", Optional ExternalDb As String = "") As Variant
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim db As Database
    Dim strSQL As String
    If ExternalDb <> "" Then
        Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(ExternalDb)
        Set db = CurrentDb
    End If
    strSQL = "SELECT " & fld & " FROM " & tdf & " WHERE " & Criteria
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
    GetFieldVal = Nz(rs.Fields(0))
End Function

Function CheckTableMatch(ExternalDb As String) As Boolean
    Dim db As Database, tbl As DAO.TableDef, fld As DAO.Field, ExFld As DAO.Field
    Dim blnFldMatch As Boolean, k As Integer
    If Dir(ExternalDb) = "" Then
        MsgBox "ÝÇíá ãÈÏÇ æÌæÏ äÏÇÑÏ"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(ExternalDb)
    For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs
        If tbl.Attributes = 0 Then
            k = GetFieldVal("MSysObjects", "Count(*)", "Name = '" & tbl.Name & "' AND (Type = 1) ", ExternalDb)
            If k = 0 Then
                MsgBox "ÇäÌÇã ÚãáíÇÊ ÈÚáÊ ÚÏã æÌæÏ ÌÏæá(åÇ) Çã˜Çä ÐíÑ äãí ÈÇÔÏ"
                Exit Function
                For Each fld In tbl.Fields
                    blnFldMatch = False
                    For Each ExFld In db.TableDefs(tbl.Name).Fields
                        If ExFld.Name = fld.Name Then blnFldMatch = True
                    Next ExFld
                    If Not blnFldMatch Then
                        MsgBox "ÇäÌÇã ÚãáíÇÊ ÈÏáíá ÚÏã ÊØÇÈÞ ÝíáÏ Çã˜Çä ÐíÑ äãí ÈÇÔÏ"
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                Next fld
            End If
        End If
    Next tbl
    Set db = Nothing
    CheckTableMatch = True
End Function

Function MissedID(tdfName As String, fldName As String)
    Dim strSQL As String, k As Integer
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim ListOfID() As Integer, j As Integer
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(tdfName)
    With rs
        k = rs.Fields(fldName)
        For k = k To .RecordCount
            If k <> .Fields(fldName) Then
                ReDim Preserve ListOfID(j)
                ListOfID(j) = k
                j = j + 1
            End If
    End With
    Set rs = Nothing
    MissedID = ListOfID
End Function

Public Function fFileDialogAns(dlgType As MsoFileDialogType, Optional sPath As String = "", Optional sFileName As String = "", _
 Optional sFilterDesc As String = "", Optional sFilterExtention As String = "", Optional MultiSel As Boolean) As String
Dim dlg As FileDialog
Dim varSelItems As Variant
Dim k As Integer, s As String, S2 As String, strOpenFile As String
fFileDialogAns = ""
    Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(dlgType)
    dlg.AllowMultiSelect = MultiSel
    If dlgType = msoFileDialogSaveAs Then
        dlg.title = "ÐÎíÑå ÝÇíá"
        dlg.InitialFileName = sPath & "\" & sFileName
        dlg.ButtonName = "ÐÎíÑå"
    ElseIf dlgType = msoFileDialogFilePicker Then
        dlg.title = "ÇäÊÎÇÈ ÝÇíá"
        dlg.Filters.Add sFilterDesc, sFilterExtention, 1
        dlg.InitialFileName = sPath
        dlg.ButtonName = "ÇäÊÎÇÈ"
        dlg.title = "ÇäÊÎÇÈ æÔå"
        dlg.InitialFileName = sPath & "\"
    End If
    If dlg.Show = True Then

        'strOpenFile = dlg.InitialFileName
        Set dlg = Nothing
        Exit Function
    End If
    sPath = ""
    For Each varSelItems In dlg.SelectedItems
        sPath = sPath & varSelItems & ";"
    sPath = Left(sPath, Len(sPath) - 1)
    Set dlg = Nothing
    If dlgType = msoFileDialogFilePicker Or dlgType = msoFileDialogFolderPicker Then
        fFileDialogAns = sPath
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' verify extention
    k = InStrRev(sPath, ".")
    s = Right(sPath, Len(sPath) - k)
    k = InStrRev(sFileName, ".")
    S2 = Right(sFileName, Len(sFileName) - k)
    If s <> S2 Then Exit Function
    fFileDialogAns = sPath
End Function
You appear to be confusing your terminology. You don't join tables with multiple keys.
If you can add a part to your code that has a dialog file and imports the tables to the database with an imported extension, it will be much easier to transfer information and left join with existing tables.
Sub ImportTablesFromExternalDB()
    Dim externalDBPath As String
    Dim suffix As String
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef
    Dim newTableName As String
    Dim dlg As FileDialog
    ' Create a file dialog object
    Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    ' Set the file dialog title
    dlg.Title = "Select the external database file"
    ' Show the file dialog and check if a file was selected
    If dlg.Show = -1 Then
        ' Get the selected file path
        externalDBPath = dlg.SelectedItems(1)
        ' User canceled, exit the sub
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Set the suffix to be added to the table names
    suffix = "_imported"
    ' Open the external database
    Set db = OpenDatabase(externalDBPath)
    ' Loop through each table in the external database
    For Each tbl In db.TableDefs
        ' Exclude system tables
        If Left(tbl.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
            ' Create a new table name with the added suffix
            newTableName = tbl.Name & suffix
            ' Import the table into the current database with the new name
            DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", externalDBPath, acTable, tbl.Name, newTableName
        End If
    Next tbl
    ' Close the external database
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub
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gpt suggest!!

Option Compare Database

Sub ImportAndCompareTables()
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef
    Dim newTableName As String
    Dim rsExisting As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rsImported As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim fld As DAO.Field
    Dim fd As FileDialog
    Dim selectedFile As String
    ' Open the file dialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    With fd
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .title = "انتخاب فایل برای دریافت اطلاعات"
        If .Show = -1 Then
            selectedFile = .SelectedItems(1)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End With
    ' Open the selected external database
    Set db = OpenDatabase(selectedFile)
    ' Import each table from the external database
    For Each tbl In db.TableDefs
        ' Ignore system tables
        If Not tbl.Name Like "MSys*" Then
            ' Generate a new table name
            newTableName = "Imported_" & tbl.Name
            ' Check if the table already exists in the current database
            If Not TableExists(newTableName) Then
                ' Create a new table with the imported table structure
                DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", selectedFile, acTable, tbl.Name, newTableName
            End If
            ' Compare the existing and imported tables
            Set rsExisting = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(newTableName)
            Set rsImported = db.OpenRecordset(tbl.Name)
            While Not rsImported.EOF
                ' Check if the record already exists in the existing table
                strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & newTableName & " WHERE "
                For Each fld In rsImported.Fields
                    strSQL = strSQL & fld.Name & " = " & ConvertToSQL(fld.Value) & " AND "
                Next fld
                strSQL = Left(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 5)
                rsExisting.FindFirst strSQL
                If Not rsExisting.NoMatch Then
                    ' Update the existing record
                    For Each fld In rsImported.Fields
                        rsExisting(fld.Name) = fld.Value
                    Next fld
                    ' Add the record to the existing table
                    For Each fld In rsImported.Fields
                        rsExisting(fld.Name) = fld.Value
                    Next fld
                End If
        End If
    Next tbl
    ' Close the external database
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Function ConvertToSQL(ByVal vValue As Variant) As String
    If IsNull(vValue) Then
        ConvertToSQL = "NULL"
    ElseIf VarType(vValue) = vbString Then
        ConvertToSQL = "'" & Replace(vValue, "'", "''") & "'"
    ElseIf VarType(vValue) = vbDate Then
        ConvertToSQL = "#" & Format$(vValue, "yyyy\/mm\/dd hh\:nn\:ss") & "#"
        ConvertToSQL = vValue
    End If
End Function

Function TableExists(ByVal tableName As String) As Boolean
    Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
        If tdf.Name = tableName Then
            TableExists = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next tdf
    TableExists = False
End Function
If you can add a part to your code that has a dialog file and imports the tables to the database with an imported extension, it will be much easier to transfer information and left join with existing tables.

Sorry. The two articles were the result of several hours work and I'm not intending to add anything more to them.
All the methods you may need are included already.

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