Best ever movie

My brother loves "The Party", thinks its the greatest film ever made.
Finally tracked down a VHS tape of the film for him.

He never watches it.
Seems part of the mystique of the film is waiting for its few airings on TV.

OH, to grasp the inner workings of a cult classic.
I know that the ****** living in New Orleans are still living in virtual poverty after the hurricane. I also know the whites are profiting by selling bus tours at $47 per person to travel round to see the ****** like animals in a zoo.

I live in N'Awlins. You are OBVIOUSLY one of the way too many folks who take the mentally lazy approach to the specials shown on TV. You believe what you see. How many times must we tell you that even a "straight" news report or special report is heavily biased by their choice of what they show? Do you EVER listen? Ever? These shows emphasize negatives to sell air time. They have to show the sensationalist crap or they lose sponsors. What part of "doing it for money" (i.e. journalistic prostitution) don't you understand?

The poverty-stricken people to whom you refer are not the norm for N'Awlins. This environment you describe is limited to a very small neighborhood. These people were in virtual poverty BEFORE the hurricane and therefore I cannot get overly worked up about them being in poverty after the storm. They are the ne'er-do-wells who would be poor two days after they won a lottery ticket because they cannot imagine themselves as breaking out of the cycle of poverty. Victims - yes. But not really of poverty. Instead, they are victims of their own self-fulfilling prophecy of poverty.

The tour bus shows the tourists the harsh reality of homes destroyed by government incompetence. Believe it or not, this is to our advantage because all too many folks think we had "just a little bit of water" in the city and that we are mostly rebuilt. Well, 'tain't so, McGee.

When the tourists see water lines two inches under the eaves of the house, or when they see houses swept off their foundations, they realize that the U.S. Government is so busy looking overseas that they have neglected their own. When they see whole blocks overgrown with weeds, dirt, and debris, they realize that a lot more damage was done than they could ever comprehend. When they see whole camps full of FEMA trailers, they begin to grasp the magnitude of a disaster that damaged or destroyed 200,000 homes in a single state.

My stepdaughter bought one of the affected houses and is renovating. I have seen it. Within walking distance I could show you houses overgrown with creeping vines, weeds, mold, and other forms of decay. I've seen ghost towns that were cleaner.

Contemplate, if you will, a region with a population of 840,000+ (that's 200K times husband, wife, and 2.2 kids) wiped out by flooding. Contemplate, if you will, a city with a sudden 25% drop in population through relocation. Now contemplate chaos. 'bout the same, arent' they?

I don't fault GWB for the war in Iraq. That needed to happen, for reasons I have discussed elsewhere. But where I fault him mightily is that he allowed partisan politics to interfere with the rebuilding initiatives. Mississippi, our neighboring state to the East, had a Republican governor. We have a Democratic governor who chastized GWB for his weak-assed response post-Katrina. When comparing the numbers of damaged homes, Mississippi had less than 20% of Louisiana's total, but got more money initially. And they still get more in proportion to the damage than we do.

Your "******" comment is so outrageous and uncalled-for that it shows your total and complete ignorance. It is racist to even bring it up. I'm offended by it and I'm not even one of the "******" to whom you refer. This isn't my forum, but I can assure you that you deserve any chastisement you might get for making such racist comments.
ps Doc, what is your favourite movie? (agree with your sentiments)
Doc, the BBC news report to which I referred at the time was actually trying to bring the reality to us of the devastation one year on. It also was highlighting the profiteering of unscupulous people in exploiting the poor and showing them in a zoo like situation.

It also highlighted the lack of government funding and highlighted the difference between the towers falling over compensation, and the lack of New Orleans compensation.

It seems that if a natural phenomenon occurs that wipes out your house thats tough luck son. If a terrorist group destroys it you get $5 million for the dead spouse. Or is it zip code related? New York v New Orleans.

The term ****** is common (in Essex) and in Bristol, as I have said on many occasions. I see no problem with it. I don't use the "n" word, except to quote from Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles.

The term ****** is common (in Essex) and in Bristol, as I have said on many occasions. I see no problem with it. I don't use the "n" word, except to quote from Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles.


I find the use of the term "******" to be extremely offensive and I would disagree that it is in common use in Bristol. The only people I have heard use it there were people who I would regard as out and out racists. If Colin wishes to be associated with that sort of person that is up to him.
The only people I have heard use it there were people who I would regard as out and out racists.

I wonder if being born in Scotland, excuse my presumption, disqualifies you from lecturing on racism? ;)
I'm not a resident so I'll leave you to assess your countrys pass-mark...


reference to Scotland versus England -
the Scots by and large enjoy being part of the UK and would not seperate out themselves on a subject like this - they don't feel as a racial minority so this would really apply - you could refer to scotland as 1 state within the UK and england another . each country has its own pride (scotland will always anti england to lose at football ,but to think they are complete seperate - subclass - as your post seems to imply isn't how the Uk looks at itself .

the welsh and a proud nation but still part of the UK as are the Scots and the other islands - isle of mann all are proud of their country, state but still part of the Uk as a whole with no real division between 1 person from scotland,wales or the Uk -

i admit there are jokes about the Scots but these are usually self critial , the Irish are general the Butt of these types of Jokes and nearly always the irish are the first to laugh ..
mind you my view might be slight bias as i am english .

so any Jocks out there want to give their view on this .. (or any taffy's)
I'm not a resident so I'll leave you to assess your countrys pass-mark...


I should do some research on the subject first, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all heavily subsidised by England and are most welcome in ENGLAND,sadly the same is not so true in reverse:eek:
this was meant tongue in cheek - read the post anbove it and you will see the ;) (I missed it first time)..-
Enough is enough!!!
I asked a simple question for simple people, but obviously far too complicated for some

What is your favourite movie?

NOT Who has the cleverest <insert race you wish to slander here> put down / jibe / dig / outright vilification

Do try and stick to the topic
Do try and stick to the topic

We do try, but it's not easy.:rolleyes:

For example, I said I liked the ****** scene at the beginning of Blazing Saddles (note the word ****** is a quote from the film, not my word) but it seemed to upset the Yankees.

We do try, but it's not easy.:rolleyes:

For example, I said I liked the ****** scene at the beginning of Blazing Saddles (note the word ****** is a quote from the film, not my word) but it seemed to upset the Yankees.


Of course it's your word. You choose to use it. There are any number of other words you could use but you use this defamitory, ignorant and "loaded" word.
You are not the BBC or the The Times. You can't get away with it by claiming it's a quote.
I for one am "shunning" you from this point on. Your posts do not exist.
We do try, but it's not easy.:rolleyes:

For example, I said I liked the ****** scene at the beginning of Blazing Saddles (note the word ****** is a quote from the film, not my word) but it seemed to upset the Yankees.


Err. not just the yanks ... (I know its a quote, but I find it unacceptable)

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