Best ever movie

Err. not just the yanks ... (I know its a quote, but I find it unacceptable)

Since the film was on the box here again recently, why was this offensive word not bleeped out, indeed, why was it the film in the first place?:confused:
Since the film was on the box here again recently, why was this offensive word not bleeped out, indeed, why was it the film in the first place?:confused:

I'm certain there are words that are bleeped out on US TV and not on British TV and vice versa. They are 2 different countries with different values.

As to the presence of the word, you would have to discuss that with the writer, director and producer.
Along the lines of Sporting Heroes and Favourite Music:
What do you consider the Best Ever Movie?

mmmmm Dr Strangelove?

SHANE, of course.:D
Dr. Strangelove was a delightfully inspired piece of statire. One of the best Hollywood ever produced.
Although it does stand on its own, to truly appreciate it you have to see the "serious" version of the same scenario. That film is "Fail Safe".

You can't fight in here, its the War Room.
Not trying to have a go at anyone. But i think the bigger picture to the argument is the sad fact that in todays world people are forced to be so politically correct. (I'm not condonign racism in the slightest, im referering to any comment that is instantly deemed to be racist, even when it obviously isn't)
And as for the Hitler references, I dare you to go say 'Hail Hitler' to any Jew or German, get your facts straight.
I for one am "shunning" you from this point on. Your posts do not exist.

Sod it. I wish I had read this before I asked you a question on the other thread. I wouldn't have bothered:rolleyes:

Do try and stick to the topic
Why?:confused: It is an unwritten rule of these non-technical forums that all appeals to stay on topic are ignored. How else would Rich/Col etc get a chance to give us their deeply researched insights into American Culture:D:D
Not sure those two words can go together. You can have American or culture, not both.

I was using Culture in its sense of "A set of shared norms and values which establish a sense of identity for those who share them. Typically applied at the level of nation and/or race."
Lord of the Rings
Double Jeopardy
House of Flying Daggers

and i am a big fan of the show 24.
best series ever!!!
Two Ton Tusks
Laughing along Little Lane
Gooseberry, Fruit of Mystery
Adam-12, The Movie
I was using Culture in its sense of "A set of shared norms and values which establish a sense of identity for those who share them. Typically applied at the level of nation and/or race."

Oh right, I was thinking about American 'culture' and thought of the Australian Cultural Attache Les Patterson. Not much difference really.

Mind you, the USA does have the token black female Condoleesa Rice, not that she does much as far as I can see. Give her a couple of drinks and she may be ok.

Oh right, I was thinking about American 'culture' and thought of the Australian Cultural Attache Les Patterson. Not much difference really.

Don't tar us with same brush as Sir Les, not all us Aussies are that high brow
Blazing Saddles
Forrest Gump
Jeremiah Johnson
Not sure those two words can go together. You can have American or culture, not both.


Col, I agree with many of your sentiments, especially about the use of the N word in Blazing Saddles. They were taking the piss out of people who have that attitude, not propogating it themselves. It's a lot like those people who used to be upset by Alf Garnet at this side of the pond. They didn't get it.

BUT: I think you're just tring to stir it, now. Any country who brought us such diverse talents as Billie Holliday, John Updike and the Coen brothers can hardly be said to be cultureless.

Back on topic, may favourite filmes are "Moonstruck" and "Crash". See Crash especially if you want to see a thoughtful, dramatic and downright expert American view of racism.
OK, I'll play the original game. Favorites by topic:

Comedy: Classic - Arsenic and Old Lace; modern - several choices. I like The Bird Cage (remake of La Cage aux Folles) and Victor, Victoria

Western: Classic - High Noon; modern - Silverado

Romance: not a fan of outright straight tear-jerker sob-story romances;

Romantic comedy: Classic - It Happened One Night; modern - Sleepless in Seattle

Horror: classic - Dracula; HONORABLE MENTION: The Louis Jourdan portrayal of Count Dracula was one of the best I have seen in terms of "evil presence" and adherence to the written story. I agree with the earlier opinion on this one.

Horror comedy: Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein; modern - The Mummy (Brendan Fraser);

Detective/Spy: classic - any of several Sherlock Holmes invocations; modern - Sean Connery's Thunderball;

Action/Adventure: classic - Robin Hood (Errol Flynn version); modern - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Sci-Fi - classic - The Day the Earth Stood Still and Forbiddent Planet; modern - John Carpenter's The Thing; Independence Day; I, Robot;

Best Series: LOTR, no question; But honorable mention for the Alien series (first two installments only); Star Wars (LAST three installments only);

Biggest Series disappointments: Matrix trilogy, started so great, ended so weak.

Musical - classic - no clear winners from black/white era; several of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals are good; modern - Phantom of the Opera

Cartoon Features - classic - Fantasia (first one) - modern - Shrek (first one has greatest impact) - but a seriously honorable mention to mixed live/cartoon genre to Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Monster movies: classic - original King Kong; Them (that's the one about giant ants in the desert); modern - Predator; King Kong; Jurassic Park

Guilty Pleasures - The Replacements (Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman); Mystery Men; Popeye;

Hard-to-classify: - What Dreams May Come;

And my favorite category of movies - ones I've never seen but LOVE the titles/concepts:

Rollerblade (1970s) = post-apocalyptic USA and roller-skating ninja nuns with switchblades (warning - it's a T&A flick); Surf Nazis Must Die; I Dismember Mama; Sorority Babes and the Slime-Ball Bowl-a-Rama;

Movies I've seen and wished later that I hadn't: The Creation of the Humanoids; Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Mummy
my list

The Princess Bride

Murder by Death

Rat Race

Life or something like it

a few of my fav's out of a modestly large collection of DVD's ;)


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