All of your relationships to trataPlan_T are incorrect. Relationships are ALWAYS Primary key which in this case would be kp_StrataPlanID, to foreign key which should be the same name whenever possible. Instead you are going data field (StrataPlanNr) to data field. You are also using table level lookups suck as ContractorLookup in Project_T. All this does is to obfuscate the actual data. The ID is stored in Project_T, NOT the company name so when you open Project_T, that is what you should see. Seeing the CompanyName just confuses the issue because you never know whether you need a number or a string to use this field.
That said, you are getting away with the first problem because you declared a unique index on StrataPlanNr. The best fix to this problem is to remove the autonumber since you are not actually using it and then define StrataPlanNr as the PK. That way, you won't ever run into the bug that occurs when a table holds an autonumber which is NOT being used as the primary key. Under mysterious conditions, the autonumber looses its seed and starts generating duplicates.
Removing the table level lookups is slightly more painful but as you get deeper into this project and start running into the problems they cause once you start writing more sophisticated queries and writing code, you will understand even though you don't understand now why they are a problem.
When you give us something to look at, it is most helpful if you actually give us the path to see what you are talking about Choose button x, then double click on field z, ..... Making us click on everything until we recognize some word from your description is just a waste of our time.
If there are 30 suppliers it would be better to just open the related Contract_T subform to see more. Is this possible?
It is not clear what this means. If you only want to see the subform, just open the subform. Don't open the main form. Subforms are just forms. They can be opened directly if that is what you want. You will have to use the Where argument in order to filter it properly but that's all it takes. If you want the option of opening either the main form or the subform, then add two buttons.
If you are talking about seeing the Contracts tab when the Stratas form opens, just change the order of the tabs. If you don't want to change the order of the tabs permanently but if you open this main form from the list form, only then do you want to see the Contracts first, you can do that by using the OpenArgs to pass in the name of the tab page you want to have the focus when the main form opens. Let us know and we'll provide the code.
Going back to the original question. This is what the main form looks like in design view. If you add a button to the Contracts subform in this view, the wizard will NOT activate. Close this main form and go back to the Navigation Pain (sic) and open Contracts_T subform itself in design view. Now when you add a button to the form, the wizard will activate. See the next picture for how that looks.