Canadian annual seal clubbing

I had NO idea they could cook!!

To be fair, I don't believe they're normally considered edible by the majority, but natives do eat them.

Wants to, no. Has to? Every time the in-laws come round :D

Fair enough. At least you could easily squash them in your embrace. Just wear a dirty old t-shirt. :D
To be fair, I don't believe they're normally considered edible by the majority, but natives do eat them.

Seems like more of a shame though if the meat goes to waste. The Inuits are not renowned for their wastage, so it makes sense to eat them. I wonder if they'd taste better if they were killed with kindness rather than a big stick :rolleyes:
"you" should have a capital "Y" as it is the starting letter of your eloquent phrase.

"sick" should have a capital "S" as it is the first word after a full stop.

Oh dear, work to do here I fear. Is English your first language?


One wonders what you would do with e e cummings?
While correct use of the language is to be encouraged, you are becoming slightly anal on the subject.
Perhaps you should move on to punctuation and the correct use of the semi colin/on.
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Why is it that the posters who are so quick to wade in with insults are the most thin skinned themselves?

If your literary skills were as good as you seem to think, you would have seen that the first post in this thread was heavily ironic.

Well by his own admission his head is full of useless delusions;)
I know I make errors. But I try to correct others because it shows that using the English language is gradually slipping into bad ways, especially by Americans.

I realise people have problems spelling and are not too eloquent. But pointing out errors may help people to write correctly in the future.

I know I make errors. But I try to correct others because it shows that using the English language is gradually slipping into bad ways, especially by Americans.

I realise people have problems spelling and are not too eloquent. But pointing out errors may help people to write correctly in the future.

Here's how it should have been:
I know I make errors. I try to correct others, because it shows that the use of the English language is gradually worsening, especially by Americans.

I realize people have problems spelling, and are not too eloquent. Pointing out errors may help people write better in the future.
Heh, I was drunk when I chose my avatar. It looked clear then. :p
Actually, there's no "z" in "realise".

Apart from that your post is fairly good for an American, just a slight variation on mine, there will always be different ways to say the same message.

Not in The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland they're not!:mad:

I do hope you realize that English language has been long ago bastardized by countless many others. Indian English, North American English, Australian English, and then some more has their own peculiarities, so ultimately the only thing they share is the origin.

Couple this with the fact that English has by far the most loanwords of any language which doesn't does its grammar rules any good; having exceptions for exceptions to the rules.

Finally, some people would raise eyebrows if they learned that we hold spelling bees. I understand that the word for 'to spell' in Italian is not known by many Italians because they have not had any need to learn how to spell Italian words as it can be spelled as it is pronounced. This is not so true for English.

To claim there is a kind of one true English and everyone must adhere to it is folly. The only way to have one true dialect is when it's dead. See: Latin.
Couple this with the fact that English has by far the most loanwords of any language which doesn't does its grammar rules any good; having exceptions for exceptions to the rules.
I hope you're not going to try to claim this as some regional variation? :D

Not my native language. I do the best what I can with little I know about English.

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