ChatGPT: The Future of AI is Here! (2 Viewers)

Yes, anything can be called anything one wants, and most times is

True, but I try to not be like the Red Queen from Wonderland, for whom a dictionary is a guideline at best. I am like a Cajun (my wife's people) in that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and craps like a duck, I won't call it a poulet-doux.
I can't write in Python, but I (GPT with instructions) created code to operate a grid of traffic signals that would efficiently direct 2 simultaneous vehicles with separate trips from any starting point to any end point on the grid. The trips could be interesting, and it would account for variations in speed.

It wrote three pages of something. I will have to ask a lot more questions to make this exercise practical. It's a start, and for people like me that have never learned anything except VBA and a little HTML, this will bring life back into our careers.

Old people that can use general experience, augmented by machines to do the details. This is indeed a game changer.
I see Google have released a music writer... to tell you the truth left me a bit cold but I'm sure it will eventually be brilliant.
In this YouTube, Cathy Woods talks about ChatGPT at time index 20min

See time index 33min, GPT training costs dropping rapidly.

Call it ChatGDP!!!
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I've been using it a lot for writing Python, PHP and now WordPress code, Unfortunately I have no idea how good it is. Some guys that do, wrote an article on building WordPress site using the GPT.

I did ask it this question though. I personally have no idea how to write a query that will increment without a loop. Also, I would have used an .EOF type loop.

Here it is

write an insert query in access that will create an increase of one integer increment from the previous field in the same column it is not in the autoincrement field The table being inserted into is named tblUsort the field name is uUsort. The from table tblActionItems and has 109 records. It will insert other values but we are not concerned about that just yet

Here is an example of an Access SQL INSERT query that will create an increase of one integer increment from the previous field in the same column, assuming that the field is not an auto-increment field:

sqlCopy code

INSERT INTO tblUsort (uUsort)
SELECT Max(uUsort)
FROM tblUsort
) + 1 + Row_Number() Over (Order By tblActionItems.ID) - 1
FROM tblActionItems;
Note: The above query assumes that there is a field named "ID" in the tblActionItems table that can be used to order the records, and that the uUsort field in the tblUsort table does not have any duplicates. If this is not the case, you may need to modify the query accordingly.

Joe Sanders

This looks like it need to be in a loop

Yes, you are correct. To insert 109 records into the tblUsort table, a loop would be necessary. Here's an example of how the loop could be implemented using VBA in Access:

vbnetCopy code
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Long

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblActionItems")

For i = 1 To 109
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblUsort (uUsort) SELECT (SELECT Max(uUsort) FROM tblUsort) + " & i & " FROM tblActionItems WHERE ID = " & rs!ID
Next i

Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

This code opens a recordset on the tblActionItems table, loops through the records 109 times, and inserts a new record into the tblUsort table on each iteration, with the uUsort value being equal to the maximum uUsort value in the table plus the current iteration number. Note that this code assumes that the ID field in the tblActionItems table is unique and can be used to identify each record. If this is not the case, you may need to modify the code accordingly.

This looks like it would work. I would have done it a little differently, but to each his own.
in my news feed today there was a link to where a human introduced chatGPT to BingAI. the conversation between the 2 chatbots was pretty good indeed! It had me convinced anyway.
I tried the other day. It didn't require an account, so a much more inviting trial environment for folks not wanting to sign their lives away to a computer.

I wanted to see how it was creatively because the ChatGPT examples I've seen of poetry don't have the best meter. First I asked it what the best meter was. It punted the direct question and simply responded that iambic pentameter is the most common meter in English. So then I asked it to write me some iambic pentameter. I didn't request that it rhyme, but it seemed to attempt rhyming anyway. Unlike what I've heard about ChatGPT, I was able to ask it some follow-up questions about what it wrote. Here is our little conversation:


Not too bad.

I next asked it to write some sample businesses requirements to see how it would do replacing me - it did frighteningly well. :oops:

But when I asked it for something most search engines handle easily - for local restaurants - it thrice gave me recommendations to places that didn't exist(!) with canned comments on quality. After pointing out for the third time it was telling me BS, it responded that it was experiencing high demand and asked that I try my inquiry later.

My rating on conversational search results is 4/5. For traditional search: 0/5.
I was fooling around with ChatGPT a few days ago, I asked for it to design a school district inventory database. I intentionally left out any hints of what I looking for and to my surprise, it used a lot of the same field names and table designs I had used eight years earlier. I also ask the AI to normalize the table structures and give me a graphical view. I thought the output was a good starting point and could be further refined by giving the AI precise knowledge of my particular needs. The best part of ChatGPT in my opinion is the never-ending patients, it never once called me out on my lack of database-building skills. It seems to anticipate what I was looking for instead of criticizing my lack of knowledge.
I was fooling around with ChatGPT a few days ago, I asked for it to design a school district inventory database. I intentionally left out any hints of what I looking for and to my surprise, it used a lot of the same field names and table designs I had used eight years earlier. I also ask the AI to normalize the table structures and give me a graphical view. I thought the output was a good starting point and could be further refined by giving the AI precise knowledge of my particular needs.
What does that mean? Like, what exactly was the deliverable? Did it give you an .accdb file?

If it can spit out actual database files that are more-or-less ready to use, that's quite something...
What does that mean? Like, what exactly was the deliverable? Did it give you an .accdb file?

If it can spit out actual database files that are more-or-less ready to use, that's quite something...
No, sorry for the confusion, it modeled some table structures only. From there you still need to build it :D I can see this tech as being an awesome tool in the database toolbox.

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