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Actually, Jon is answering like a good rabbi who values everyone's opinion
and just like he should. every leader should value everyone. but then again, not everyone has the same capabilities. I praise all like Jon, and all those on LinkedIn who say that everyone has value. That's a great way to run a good business, until of course all the folks in California force the rest of the world to change course because their ridiculous tech force on the world is so out of control.
We could go to stonehenge together for tea.
Too many corporations using stonehenge as a trojan horse to spy on middle England. They want your IP address. I would prefer a sip of tea in Chop. At least its safe there. No police.
Actually, Jon is answering like a good rabbi who values everyone's opinion even when diametrically opposed in viewpoint.
As you know Doc, I am normally diametrically opposed to everybody, so I get used to it. :D
I would prefer a sip of tea in Chop. At least its safe there. No police.
you mean this place?

I prefer the one in Seattle. Its 6 blocks large.
I prefer the one in Seattle. Its 6 blocks large.
You live 3,000 miles away from there you goofy duck! you planning on a vacation soon? I've got an executive contact inside Amazon who works in Seattle. Maybe we could get him in the meeting too? lol. Although I'm thinking that would look strange. I'm supposed to be a white supremacist jerk, and he's black. think that would work out, considering all the nonsense going on in Seattle at the moment?
I'll move there when all their house prices crash.
Its just a fantasy world.
That's what owners do.
Many don't. Just check out my comments on voting in the Joe Biden thread!
Many don't. Just check out my comments on voting in the Joe Biden thread!
ummmmm.....Jon. there's 5 pages worth of crap returned. got a URL that shortens the process!?


  • too_many.jpg
    431.4 KB · Views: 127
Jon, you said this:
The entire history of Western civilisation shows that no national election was decided by one vote. But the paradox is that you need people to vote.
and I still don't understand the voting process of the USA. apparently what presidents need in order to get elected are the electoral votes. and from what I know, the popular vote, given by the general public, plays no part in the electoral votes. is that right? if that is true, what's the point in people voting at all!? it's pointless.

and regarding you being a could you troll your own site!? I've been called a troll many times on LinkedIn, along with a bigot, a tyrant and a disrespectful Christian. How stupid can people be, really? LOL. Most of them, I just blocked their stupid asses after I beat them into the ground with common sense. I even had one guy who was so smart, literally his brain was screwing him up. He eventually said to me: ""you sound like a closeted gay guy. Is that true?"". LOL. MY GOD. people are just becoming so knowledgeable, they're literally stupid.

and once again, back to catholicism....if there's any more blatant representation of the devil invading lives, it would be THAT guy. he knows so much crap, he's starting to get confused. can we say....CHAOS?
What did you say on LinkedIn that led you to be reconised? I never did understand that site. Its confusing.
What did you say on LinkedIn that led you to be reconised? I never did understand that site. Its confusing.
you don't know what the purpose of that website is John? It was created many years ago my people in Congress for the purpose of allowing business professionals across the world to connect with each other and do business and create like networking connections and stuff.

What I said to this dude that caused him to assume that I was gay or any other thing that I said that cause people to call me a tyrant or a troll really had nothing to do with anything and it was totally common sense. The fact was that these people are so skewed in their thinking or so confused or so angry about anything that makes no sense that they came back to me and they just jump to their assumptions once again and said ""this guy is that"". You talk about stupid? Some business people obviously are.
Congress created LinkedIn??

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