Climate and the number of deniers

Right. Especially when you're the type that just asks that for everything everybody says - even the things you know full well are widely known already, such as covid deaths being overreported by about 100%. You like to try to drown people in the Process of citing sources but by over-doing it to include the things widely agreed upon and already widely reported, you show your true colors.

Someone will probably come along behind me and post a source who has more patience with you than I.
Where is it widely known? It's not known in my house, and I read a lot. When I pose a question, all I get is "it's widely known", which makes me guess that there is no proof. Just for fun I asked the new Chat, and got this:

As of July 2024, the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in the United States has surpassed 1.1 million. This data is based on reports from various health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.

The CDC provides updated information regularly and includes detailed breakdowns of deaths by week and state. These provisional counts are derived from death certificates, which are considered the most reliable source of mortality data (CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker) (CDC).

Johns Hopkins University also tracks COVID-19 data and reports that the U.S. continues to have one of the highest death tolls globally, emphasizing the ongoing impact of the pandemic (JH Covid Dashboard).

For more detailed and current information, you can visit the CDC's COVID Data Tracker and the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

You are saying that the number was inflated by 100%. I looked and found this:

CLAIM: Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 99% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were actually caused by something else.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The percentage misrepresents CDC data. The agency’s most recent numbers show that for the week ending Aug. 19, 1.7% of all deaths in the U.S. were due to COVID-19.

THE FACTS: A misrepresentation of CDC figures has led to accusations online that COVID-19 deaths are being overstated.

Many online posts cite as proof a Daily Mail article published on Tuesday with the headline, “99% of ‘Covid deaths’ not primarily caused by the virus, CDC data shows.” These posts received tens of thousands of likes and shares on Facebook, Instagram and X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Good morning - it’s time for a bunch of people to go to prison for life,” reads one popular tweet that included a link to the article. “We tried to warn you.”

But the information being shared is based on a faulty interpretation of the data. The Daily Mail has corrected its article to reflect what the numbers actually show.

You like to try to drown people in the Process of citing sources but by over-doing it to include the things widely agreed upon and already widely reported, you show your true colors.
Meanwhile you are satisfied with anything that matches your prejudices. It is called Confirmation Bias.
A million deaths sounds like a lot and of course every death is a tragedy, especially unnecessary deaths. Instead of the horror the original models projected which sent us into a different kind of tragedy, we ended up with a death rate approximating that of a bad flu. We don't shut businesses down and put people out of work and terrify young children and keep older children from interacting from their friends and ruin lives by taking their livelihoods while our political leaders just have their hairdressers open privately so they can be serviced every year during flu season. What our politicians did to us with the lies and the idiotic made up "rules" like 6 feet apart, can never happen again.

Our politicians caused NEEDLESS deaths by preventing the elderly access to old drugs that worked to mitigate the symptoms of COVID and they did this because it was necessary to allow the FDA to authorize the "emergency use" drugs we ended up with. Since the FDA could not, by their own rules, authorize an emergency use only drug if there were existing drugs that helped to treat the disease. Big Pharma won. Grandma died.
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Our politicians caused NEEDLESS deaths by preventing the elderly access to old drugs that worked to mitigate the symptoms of COVID and they did this because it was necessary to allow the FDA to authorize the "emergency use" drugs we ended up with.
I take it you haven't looked at the recent results of all the clinical trials.
I take it you haven't looked at the recent results of all the clinical trials.
So they are finally getting around to doing clinical trials on Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? About time.
There is a difference between looking at life the way it is, and the way you want it to be.
I really ought to let this go, but I will say that I can attest to the fact that I distinctly remember on the news several governors coming out admitting their death rates were half of what they had been reporting for some time. Of course, I have no idea anymore which ones it was or what time frame it was, and it would be very hard to find because what everyone now has published will be the 'current' (i.e. correct & revised) numbers.

But surely you remember they were constantly revising them during the thick of things - I know you do, regardless of what you say
I really ought to let this go, but I will say that I can attest to the fact that I distinctly remember on the news several governors coming out admitting their death rates were half of what they had been reporting for some time. Of course, I have no idea anymore which ones it was or what time frame it was, and it would be very hard to find because what everyone now has published will be the 'current' (i.e. correct & revised) numbers.

But surely you remember they were constantly revising them during the thick of things - I know you do, regardless of what you say
Isaac, I remeber there was confusion, but the real numbers are available now. If you read the big post I sent, towards the bottom there was bit describing how the confusion was started by some media outlet, that published a misleading article that went viral. That media later retracted the original story and replaced with one that was factual.

Have a nice day.
Except in Africa.

Confirming Pat's observation regarding the "other" drugs having been tested in Africa and working. That would be ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Both drugs are known to be safe and effective for other diseases but in both cases, the effects on COVID were defined to be secondary to the drugs' primary effects (also known as an "off-label" effect). Wouldn't be the first time a drug is effective in more than one way.

Now, a lot of USA-based reports say that these drugs are not effective - but other nations have reported better results. Makes me wonder if politics has stifled science yet again? At some point the rug will be pulled out from under the nay-sayers yet again.
Plus, how they did the studies matters. If you gave someone the treatments too late, as they did here in the US, of course they will appear to be ineffective. The boneheads haven't allowed doctors to work with it over a decent amount of time such that the doctors gain experience with using it. They just say it doesn't work, and disallow it's usage altogether when it has been in use for other things for ages. So it's not exactly harmful, so why try so hard to control the narrative? Maybe, because they want to control the narrative.
So it's not exactly harmful,

and it's not exactly not harmful

  • Hydroxychloroquine was prescribed in hospitalised patients with Covid-19 despite of the low-level evidence.

  • Subsequently, HCQ use was associated with an 11% increase in the mortality rate in a meta-analysis of randomized trials.

  • The number of hydroxychloroquine related deaths in hospitalised patients is estimated at 16,990 in six countries.

  • These findings illustrate the hazard of drug repurposing with low-level evidence for the management of future pandemics.
  • Hydroxychloroquine was prescribed in hospitalised patients with Covid-19 despite of the low-level evidence
The drugs are only effective when given within the first few days after the infection. The sooner, the better. If the person is already in the hospital and on a respirator, nothing can save them.

The rest of the points just confirm what the "study" creators wanted it to confirm. Study the drug inappropriately and you get what you get.

You can ignore 50 years of daily prophylactic use in all countries against malaria without issues as you see fit. Perhaps, the drug only becomes deadly when you use it to mitigate the symptoms of COVID.

Hydroxychloroquine is also used long term to treat some other disease which escapes me at the moment. In any event, it is in constant daily use by many people around the globe. It just interfered with the FDA's rules for sanctioning an "emergency use only" drug and so it had to be squashed or the "vaccine" would not have been approved for use by the general population. Money talks, nobody walks.
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So much misinformation and disinformation:
From the Lancet: “hydroxychloroquine did not have clinical benefit for COVID-19.”

And re Ivermectin: The drug’s manufacturer, Merck, has stated that there’s “no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease”.

Every drug carries risk, including those "harmless" ones put forward by the ill-informed.
The difference in our opinions is due to the fact that I did my research in 2020 BEFORE the web was purged of the "settled" science regarding masks and social distancing and isolation. It was before there was a "vaccine" that was close to delivery. Once the "vaccine" became a reality, the ONLY way it could be approved as "an emergence use only drug" was if there was no existing treatment that could cure the disease or mitigate its symptoms. Therefore, it was necessary to squash every other potentially useful drug so that approval for "emergency use only" could proceed. I'm no good with the wayback machine or I would find the science for you. It is now buried too far down to come up in web searches and that is by design.

"Settled Science" changed dramatically in 2020 and it was all political. There was no scientific basis for the change. The size of a virus didn't change. COVID-19 was still too tiny to be stopped even by n95 masks let along the junk we all were forced to wear. One analogy was "putting a chain link fence around your yard doesn't keep out mosquitos as it compared the size of the virus to the "empty" space in all the woven masks. The rules imposed were politically expedient and allowed politicians, especially governors and local politicians to become omnipotent.
Who exactly did the purging and who designed it? The deep state? biden crime family? The evil Dr. Fauci? Q?
The Google algo purged, which was designed and run by predominantly left-leaning Silicon Valley software engineers. Just look what happened at Twitter too. Big Tech is leftie, but it appears Trump is starting to win over at least some of the bigwigs over there.

If you doubt some of this, just consider the laptop from hell discussion. Silenced! New York Post, cancelled!

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