Climate and the number of deniers

The difference in our opinions is due to the fact that I did my research in 2020 BEFORE the web was purged of the "settled" science regarding masks and social distancing and isolation. It was before there was a "vaccine" that was close to delivery. Once the "vaccine" became a reality, the ONLY way it could be approved as "an emergence use only drug" was if there was no existing treatment that could cure the disease or mitigate its symptoms. Therefore, it was necessary to squash every other potentially useful drug so that approval for "emergency use only" could proceed. I'm no good with the wayback machine or I would find the science for you. It is now buried too far down to come up in web searches and that is by design.

"Settled Science" changed dramatically in 2020 and it was all political. There was no scientific basis for the change. The size of a virus didn't change. COVID-19 was still too tiny to be stopped even by n95 masks let along the junk we all were forced to wear. One analogy was "putting a chain link fence around your yard doesn't keep out mosquitos as it compared the size of the virus to the "empty" space in all the woven masks. The rules imposed were politically expedient and allowed politicians, especially governors and local politicians to become omnipotent.

That's a very real thing, the mainstream media basically banding together to eliminate certain information (which they'll call "Misinformation and Disinformation" - although none of them can explain what the difference is lol). Thank God for conservative media, ACLJ, FOIA, etc. turning over stones that otherwise couldn't be turned.

The Left elites are corporately equivalent to a bully who harasses you in small but unprovable ways, then sits across the street laughing while you fail to catch them for something you have no hard evidence for usually but can clearly tell is happening. Eventually they'll probably regret their trajectory, because either the right will win, or the left will come to its natural end - socialism and a depressing, totalitarian new world for all

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