Code suggestion for opening Excel using ADO vs DAO


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Yesterday, 19:05
Oct 22, 2009
Does anyone have any code or code sites to suggest for this?
It sounds interesing, would like to run some test and see if there is any real difference between ADO and DAO.

For opening up a series of Excel Workbooks to extract data from a range - to bring back to Access, was recently advised:

I'd run it against accessing the workbook via ADO - With ADO you don't need a reference to Excel and you don't need to create an instance
I'd run it against accessing the workbook via ADO - With ADO you don't need a reference to Excel and you don't need to create an instance
Not sure about all of that but it is always cool to learn new things. But the part about not needing an instance is kind of pointless as you don't need to set a reference.

But I would be interested to find out exactly what that means.
I would be interested in anyone's experience or suggestion.
This is my quick assessment: Sticking with tried and true Access VBA referencing Excel.Application
It is a little buggy
Almost looks as if a whole sheet has to be returned (put how many rows in the scan) and then do the work locally.

No clue as to the efficiency once a connection is made.
I would be interested in anyone's experience or suggestion.
This is my quick assessment: Sticking with tried and true Access VBA referencing Excel.Application
It is a little buggy
Almost looks as if a whole sheet has to be returned (put how many rows in the scan) and then do the work locally.

No clue as to the efficiency once a connection is made.
Definitely looks more complicated and quite a few limiting factors. I'll just use COM to deal with it.

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