Coronavirus - Good News

She and her husband moved to NZ about 7 years ago. They started out in Wellington, then moved across the bay (harbor?) to the Eastbourne area. We've visited a few times so far, due for another but Covid may have something to say about that.

Are you in the Wellington area? We've met up with a former Access MVP that lives in that area, really nice guy.
OK I have a lot of family scattered around Wellingotn - none in Eastbourne though, other parts of Lower Hutt and Kaiwharawhara, Johsonville etc

No I live In Napier - on the coast approx halfway between Wellington and Auckland, way less windy and considerably warmer!!
We almost went to Napier on a road trip, ended up around Lake Taupo instead. I think everyplace is less windy than Wellington, isn't it? :p
This excellent article from the Guardian describes a new approach to tracking the virus using some pre-existing software techniques.

It's very interesting, and one of the comparisons where the approach is used to try and figure out why the UK has more deaths than Germany hints at the idea it maybe because the Germans have a better inbuilt immunity to the virus.

It's not confirmed, that idea, but it's something worth considering before condemning the UK government for the steps it took.


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