Darshan Hiranandani : Creating a Form for Multiple Entries in a Table (Same Form) - Dispatch Details

Local time
Today, 07:08
Sep 13, 2024
Hello everyone,

I'm Darshan Hiranandani, I have a table called "Dispatch Details" with the following columns:

  1. Dispatch Date
  2. Party Name
  3. Truck Number
  4. Freight Charges
I’ve created a form that works for single dispatch entries. However, I now need a solution for cases where multiple parties are being dispatched using the same truck.

Specifically, I’m looking for a way to:

  1. Enter multiple dispatch entries for different parties in the same form.
  2. Calculate the freight charges for all the parties whose materials are being delivered in a single truck.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to structure this form or approach the data entry process for such cases?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Darshan Hiranandani
You need more than a new form, you need a new table:

partyID, autonumber primary key
IDDispatch, number, this will hold the primary key numeric id in DispatchDetails
partyName, text, data that was in PartyName of DispatchDetails is here now
FreightCharges, number, data that was in FreightCharges is here now

Formwise, you will have a main form based on DispatchDetails that will have have a subform based on the above Parties table. With that you will be able to enter as many Parties records into it as needed all on the same form.
I believe that we are once again dealing with a member who asks questions but never responds to the answers he receives. So don't waste your time.
See this same question asked by another member:
Well spotted @LarryE.
There are several members who are copying entire posts and pasting as new threads. In each case, they never respond to any comments made
Whatever the motivation, the posts are a type of spam and their messages should be ignored or better still the accounts deleted.
This pattern fits with previous spammers prepping by posting seemingly on-topic, apparently legitimate posts to establish a basis for later spam.
This thread and the quoted thread (by LarryE) show similar / same location via IP addr???
This thread and the quoted thread (by LarryE) show similar / same location via IP addr???
That may be coincidence or a deliberate targeting of certain accounts by the spammer/bot

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