Database inconsistent


New member
Local time
Today, 08:00
Jan 20, 2025
Hello, I have a database(.mdb) in inconsistent state.when I try to open it it gives me that error ,after clicking ok it doesn’t respond from there .I tried to compact and repair from database tools and chooses the file , it gives the Same error again and doesn’t respond after that . so the database is in a network share path and I use Remote Desktop to get into that server where the network share path is present. When I copied the database into the local of that server and tried to r&c it worked.Replacing the old file is the only solution or is it because the db is in share path it is not responding ? Please suggest ASAP
i may be wrong but remote desktop is the problem, i think.
I use it from Remote Desktop but my clients use it in their local. They also facing inconsistent issue
it is not advisable to RC a remote mdb/accdb.
it might cause your db unusable.
you only RC local db.
Ok.I copied the same .mdb into the local of the Remote Desktop and I was able to rc it
If your DB is now working correctly, at some moment when no one is using it, make a good backup copy.

In fact, if you get "inconsistent state" again, you might need to interrogate your users to see the last thing that each of them did. To protect yourself from massive data loss, see if you can set aside time to do database backups and C&R operations with nobody actually using it.

However, something else that WASN'T mentioned here makes me have to ask...

Is this a split database? Because the "inconsistent state" error OFTEN occurs when a monolithic (single-file-only) DB is shared by multiple users. If this DB is NOT split then you are inviting repeated errors leading to inconsistent states and other types of errors.
Yes it’s splitdatabase.Replacing the repaired file in the shared path is the only solution ?
Is each user running their own copy of the front end or are they all running the SAME copy of the front end?
Best practice is to have individual copies. It CAN work with multiple users using the same shared copy, but you get the kinds of issues you are talking about.
RD and Citrix work the same way your Desktop works. They can connect to other servers on the same network. Is the server you are having problems with an NAS drive? Those can be configured to be "cloud" servers which will NOT work with Access.

Try putting the BE on a different server to see if you still have a problem.
Take backups before trying to fix it. You need to get all users disconnected, then try a C&R. There was a spate of this several years ago, that I don't think was ever really solved.

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