Date input shortcut


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:02
Apr 22, 2003
If memory serves me right, I've seen code or maybe a shortcut somewhere for inputting a date value in a form along the following lines.
To input today's date, input "0"
Yesterday = "-1"
A week ago = "-7"

and so on.

Any ideas?
Not a clue. In any Access form, Ctrl+; will input today's date, but i don't know of shortcuts for the others.

You could do it via code, but why not just use the DatePicker?
As I understand it, Datepicker is normally set with Onload when opening a form. I require a to input a variety of dates when the form is open.
I'll look at some code then.

In plain English............

To input today's date, input "0"
Yesterday = "-1"
A week ago = "-7"

and so on.
Not plain enough.

WHY do you want today's date to be zero, rather than Date() automatically prompted?
WHAT do you want to do with a day ago, and a week ago, and why can't they be autocalculated from the first datefield?

We're trying to help you. Help us help you by giving us good information in your question.
OK, here we go.

If the user wants to input today's date, they would in put "0". The date field would then be populated with today's date. The user would then carry on inputing data.

The user would then move onto the next record. This requires yesterday's date to be entered so the operator would input "-1" and the date field would be populated with yesterday's date. And so on.
Basically the calculation is as you say, Today()-0, or Today()-1 in the example above.

I am trying to speed up data input. Picking a date from a popup calender or typing in a date is to slow.

I know I've seen this a few years ago in another db. I guess, it is some coding based on Today() as you say.

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