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Mike375 said:I am assuming you mean that all the forms, queries etc are in one .mdb file and the tables other in another .mdb file.
Yes, I am.
Mike375 said:I am assuming you mean that all the forms, queries etc are in one .mdb file and the tables other in another .mdb file.
...therefore I must be ?Mile-O-Phile said:Yes, I am.
Mile-O-Phile said:Yes, I am.
The problem that continually arises is that the people in the insurance company or outside contactors don't make something that suits the life insurance selling environment. Input they get from insurance agents is usually just this side of useless because the agents don't really use the data base stuff very much because whatever they get is too hard to use and so their input is frequently way off base. Financial planning and General insurance tends to be somewhat different as it does not have the same sort of selling environment as does life and disability insurance.
But also I think that data bases are like some other things in life. On one hand you have the enthusiast and for some others things are just a means to an end.
Rich said:Bit like the modern day car and a steam driven one then eh?
takes about as much time to maintain as your db ehMike375 said:Funny you mention that because I have always been interested in steam engines![]()
raskew said:Up till now, everyone has tried to be extremely politically correct.
There comes a time when we just have to call a spade a spade.
There’s really no point in debating this as a programming issue.
What we’re looking at here is ego and divine ignorance.
Mike apparently took Access for Dummies 101 and at that point
his programming education came to a halt.
He was introduced to macros, thought they were neat and, at that
point, decided to quit learning. The fact that his application
contains no modules says it all.
Bottom line:
- Mike possesses no coding skills and doesn’t want to be
encumbered with any.
- Mike is clueless when it comes to database design. His ego
tells him otherwise so there’s no point in trying to educate him,
he’s hopelessly ignorant and that’s the way he wants to remain.
Function Agecount6(ByVal pdob As Date, _
Optional ByVal pEdte As Variant, _
Optional ByVal pWhat As Variant) As String
'************************************************* ****
'Purpose: Display age or difference between
' two dates with options to display
' in any variation of years, months,
' days.
'Coded by: raskew
'Inputs: 1) ? Agecount6(#3-Mar-80#) 'defaults
' to current date & "ymd" display
' 2) ? Agecount6(#3-Mar-80#, "4/25/04")
' Uses PEdte in place of date(),
' and default "ymd" display
' 3) ? Agecount6(#3-Mar-80#, "4/25/04", "d")
' Same as 2), but with display as days
'Output: 1) 24 years, 1 month, 15 days
' 2) 24 years, 1 month, 22 days
' 3) 8819 days
'************************************************* ****
Dim dte2 As Date
Dim dteMyDate As Date
Dim intHold As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim strHold As String
Dim strHold2 As String
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strWhat As String
strWhat = IIf(IsMissing(pWhat), "ymd", pWhat)
dteMyDate = pdob
dte2 = IIf(IsMissing(pEdte), Date, pEdte)
For n = 1 To Len(strWhat)
strHold = Mid(strWhat, n, 1)
Select Case strHold
Case "y"
intHold = DateDiff("yyyy", dteMyDate, dte2) + _
(dte2 < DateSerial(Year(dte2), Month(dteMyDate), Day(dteMyDate)))
dteMyDate = DateAdd("yyyy", intHold, dteMyDate)
strHold2 = strHold2 & LTrim(Str(intHold)) & " year" & IIf(intHold <> 1, "s, ", ", ")
Case "m"
intHold = DateDiff("m", dteMyDate, dte2) + (Day(dteMyDate) > Day(dte2))
dteMyDate = DateAdd("m", intHold, dteMyDate)
strHold2 = strHold2 & LTrim(Str(intHold)) & " " & "month" & IIf(intHold <> 1, "s, ", ", ")
Case "d"
intHold = DateDiff("d", dteMyDate, dte2)
strHold2 = strHold2 & LTrim(Str(intHold)) & " " & "day" & IIf(intHold <> 1, "s", "")
End Select
Next n
Agecount6 = strHold2
End Function
Mike375 said:Bob,
"Mike possesses no coding skills and doesn’t want to be
encumbered with any."
You are right. I don't need to be encumbered.
KenHigg said:2000 macros + 700 forms + 1200 queries + 300 tables = insane
KenHigg said:2000 macros + 700 forms + 1200 queries + 300 tables = insane