Debate (2 Viewers)

Pat Hartman

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Today, 09:16
Feb 19, 2002
If you're talking about "these" two meaning Biden and Trump, Trump is a product of the times, if the left hadn't gone off the deep end and become bat s*** crazy, Trump would never have become popular. His personality would have just turned too many people off. But Trump was and still is, the person who has been brave enough to stand up to the insanity of the left. He has been willing to take the ad hominem attacks as a shield to the rest of us. The Republicans are feckless pieces of dog poo. They are afraid of standing up for what is right. They say the right things but they operate just like the Dems. They do what will benefit them personally as well as their donors so they can remain in power. Ron DeSantis would be the second most revered politician in the country if he had stood up for Trump after the Mar-a-Lago raid. Instead, he made jokes and then later decided to attempt to screw Trump by running for President against Trump. Look how that worked out for him. Now, there is no way in hell any Trump supporter will vote for him in 2028. Talk about a career killing mistake. He made two doozies.

The really amusing thing about Trump is that he has been a Democrat his entire life and his positions are liberal but rational. He is a problem solver and unwilling to just throw money at a problem and walk away from it. Silly him, he expects results for his (our) money. He is the only politician I have ever listened to who I believe actually thinks of the billions of dollars blown to the wind by the Federal government to be the People's money, not "government" money. If you listen to the Democrats prior to 2016, they espouse the exact same positions on things like illegal immigration as Trump does. You really have to review some of the old videos to see their 180 in order to distance themselves from Trump.

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