
If Biden wins the coin toss it was obviously rigged.

Biden wouldn't even be able to call his preferred side in the time required, he'd start wandering off toward The Light

At least our candidate is not totally unable to even finish a sentence without slurring, mumbling, and saying ridiculous things including his usual false stories about his past
See there's more excuses being laid out ahead of the debate, "Biased Moderators"
I guess you've never heard any of the things these people say about Trump.

I think that for ALL debates, the Democrats get to pick the moderator who asks the Republican the questions and the Republicans get to pick the moderator who asks the Democrat questions. No other arrangement is fair.
Trump shows strong leadership because he will debate anytime anywhere, unlike sleepy who can't venture far from his teleprompter.
I like it when you turn on automatic captions on the Roku and Biden is talking and the captions will say stuff like " unintelligible" :ROFLMAO:
Debate prep.
Gag for Trump, earpiece for Biden, I hope it's an earpiece :LOL:

Biden's problem is audio cues aren't even enough for him. Teleprompters and audio cues are enough for most normal human beings, Trump included.

Biden is special and different. He needs people to PHYSICALLY APPROACH HIM and put their hands around him and pull him in the right direction, as Obama did the other day. He's totally gone in the mind
Looks like Obama's head pasted on someone else's body.
The article below may be a precursor to an anti-Trump tirade from CNN when the presidential debate occurs.
“CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate,” Leavitt said in a statement obtained by Breitbart News.

“Yet President Trump is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win,” she added.

After the segment, Hunt posted on X that she cut Leavitt off because she allegedly did not show respect to Tapper, someone who perpetrated the Russia collusion hoax and refused to cover Trump live due to “potentially dangerous” content.

“You come on my show, you respect my colleagues. Period,” Hunt said. “I don’t care what side of the aisle you stand on, as my track record clearly shows.”

In related news where the media previously demonized Trump's remarks to gaslight the public:
The left wing media gaslights the public so they will vote for the Democratic candidate. After the damage is done, they reluctantly acknowledge to the lying. Unfortunately, this "rigging" of the election process does not result in the election results being overturned. This theme is discussed in the thread: Election Do-Over!!!
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Aha! I was right. The head was just slightly too large. The body was too short for the size of the head. It would have been less obvious if they had cut the figure off at the knees as the second picture does.
If Biden wins the coin toss it was obviously rigged.
Are there not a whole cabal behind Biden who need him to win in order that they stay in control of the US of America?

Why else the four days of training at Camp David, his very own home for the bewildered, in preparation for Thursday night.
Can he stand up for 90 minutes and will you spot the earpiece?
hy else the four days of training at Camp David
I thought it was 10.

Why will they allow him to have an earpiece? Can Trump have one too? It is sure handy to have a hundred people fact checking live and feeding the info to Trump.
In a way it is good to know that our friends across the pond suffer the same problem that we have over here. We get the idiots for whom we voted, failing to realize that government is often the best training grounds for idiocy. AND failing to realize that such idiocy in office often is derived from idiocy among the voting public. It's all about short-term gratification.
Great comment re our educational system.
I hear there are 60 people prepping crooked Joe this week. I wonder if they are teaching him how to repeat what he hears in his earpiece?
Will Slow Joe & Jill have time to fit in another facelift before the election?

Whilst there is always some levity at the Watercooler, it is actually incredible that
out of a total of 340million people these two have been selected as the best available.

Same in UK out of 56million our choices are between one contender who is basically a
dead sheep. The other comes across as a dodgy car salesman, or a timeshare tout.
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