Deep state steps on the scales of justice and screws the American people yet again

Pat Hartman

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Local time
Today, 17:53
Feb 19, 2002
Apparently, the knowledge of the purloined secret documents removed from Biden's secure government office when the Obama presidency ended and which have been stored in an unsecured location ever since was known to Merrett Garland and the DOJ since BEFORE the 2022 election. So not only did they suppress the news, the election is long over, they deliberately hid it prior to an election where it might have impacted the way voters cast their ballots.

When is the DOJ going to raid the University of Delaware to recover the Biden documents being held there? When is the DOJ going to raid ALL of Bidens homes? Ok, they probably can't raid his houses since is is the sitting President but they can certainly get whatever is being held by the University of Delaware.

What EXACTLY were the Chinese buying from Penn State with their $54 million dollar donation to fund the "Biden" center? Was that money what was being used to pay Biden's $900 thousand dollar salary once he was no longer the VP? Is that how the ChiComs got the money to Joe? We know they owned him based on the Hunter laptop. We just don't have a direct line of the money from China to Joe. We only have direct lines from China, Russia, the Ukraine, etc. to Hunter and then wavy lines between Hunter and Joe as Hunter paid Joes bills for him which is illegal in and of itself. There is a very small dollar cap on "gifts" and the bills Hunter was paying far exceed that.
Yes, and

In addition to the imbroglio over classified records, Garland’s warrant accused Trump of obstructing justice because he wasn’t as compliant as the FBI demanded. This is an exaggerated, if not silly, claim. One can bicker over whether Trump was fully cooperative or promptly forthcoming. But he was entitled to resist under the legal standard set by the Department of Justice a decade ago in a similar case involving former president Bill Clinton.

At the time, the DOJ adopted the position that a former president can keep whatever presidential records he wants and the government has no authority to seize them. This was a conclusion shared by the National Archives and a U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.

As a result, Clinton was allowed to maintain possession of audiotapes that allegedly contained classified information. Ten years later, the established "Clinton standard" suddenly vanished overnight because the person in question was named Trump.
In addition to the imbroglio over classified records, Garland’s warrant accused Trump of obstructing justice because he wasn’t as compliant as the FBI demanded. This is an exaggerated, if not silly, claim. One can bicker over whether Trump was fully cooperative or promptly forthcoming. But he was entitled to resist under the legal standard set by the Department of Justice a decade ago in a similar case involving former president Bill Clinton.
Underlying the above; is the implication, by Garland, that when you defend yourself, you are obstructing justice. Defending yourself is not obstructing justice. Destroying evidence, as H. Clinton did, is obstructing justice. That is not the issue here.

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