Do the Formview control draws the UI by itself? (1 Viewer)


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:05
Mar 22, 2009
If we enable "Dynamic Data Support" and supply an Entity Datasource to a FormView? Sounds like magic. Isn't it?

Struggling to Build a Connection string for an Entity Datasource.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:35
Jul 9, 2003
ChatGPT Said:-

Let's tackle your questions one by one:

1. Does the FormView control draw the UI by itself?

No, the FormView control in ASP.NET does not generate a UI by itself. Instead, you need to provide templates for how the data should be displayed, edited, or inserted. The FormView control supports the following templates:

ItemTemplate: Used to display a single record.
EditItemTemplate: Used to edit a single record.
InsertItemTemplate: Used to insert a new record.
EmptyDataTemplate: Displayed when no data is available.

You define the layout and controls within these templates, and FormView will manage the rendering and operations based on the data source you bind to it.

2. Dynamic Data Support in FormView:

Yes, ASP.NET Dynamic Data is a powerful feature that can auto-generate UI based on the data model you provide. When you enable Dynamic Data support and supply an EntityDataSource to a FormView, the control can automatically generate fields and UI based on the data model's metadata. This can significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to create data-driven applications.

However, while it feels like magic, it's essential to understand that Dynamic Data makes assumptions based on conventions and the data model's metadata. Depending on your requirements, you might still need to customize the generated UI or behavior.

3. Building a Connection String for an EntityDataSource:

The EntityDataSource control is used to bind data from an Entity Framework data model to ASP.NET data controls. The connection string for an EntityDataSource is typically stored in the web.config file and references an Entity Framework connection string.

Here's a general format for an Entity Framework connection string:

    <add name="YourEntitiesName" 
         provider connection string='Data Source=YourServerName;Initial Catalog=YourDatabaseName;Integrated Security=True;'" 
         providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

YourEntitiesName: Name of your Entity Framework context.
YourModelName: Name of your Entity Framework model.
YourServerName: Name or IP address of your SQL Server.
YourDatabaseName: Name of your database.

Note: The above connection string assumes you're using SQL Server with Integrated Security. If you're using a different database or need to provide a username/password, you'll need to adjust the connection string accordingly.


Local time
Today, 23:35
Jul 21, 2014
Unc, is it possible to get chatgpt to cite its sources?

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:35
Jul 9, 2003
Unc, is it possible to get chatgpt to cite its sources?

Uncle asked:-
Can you provide source(s) of the information?

ChatGPT said:-

Certainly! The information I provided is based on the official ASP.NET documentation, my knowledge of the ASP.NET framework, and the Entity Framework documentation.
  1. FormView Control: The behavior and functionality of the FormView control are described in the official ASP.NET documentation. For more specific details, you can refer to Microsoft's documentation on the FormView Class.
  2. ASP.NET Dynamic Data: ASP.NET Dynamic Data is a framework that lets you create data-driven ASP.NET Web applications easily. For a comprehensive guide, you can visit Microsoft's Dynamic Data official documentation.
  3. EntityDataSource and Entity Framework Connection Strings: The EntityDataSource control and the format of Entity Framework connection strings are covered in Microsoft's Entity Framework documentation. You can refer to the EntityDataSource Class documentation and Entity Framework's guide on connection strings.
While the direct links provided are based on the last known state of Microsoft's documentation as of September 2021, Microsoft may have updated or restructured their documentation since then. If you're looking for the most up-to-date information, you might want to visit Microsoft's official documentation site or search for the specific topics mentioned above.

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