Do you eat horsemeat?

Yeah it's true that all too frequently squid can be rubbery, the Japanese sushi do it well but the best was at a scruffy looking outdoor, trestle tables on sand leading to wooden serving counters, eating place behind the port of Agadir in morocco , would not have gone there if there hadn't been a group of us, but it was the best fish platter ever, and a damn sight cheaper than the sushi bars in Japan. :D


Can't comment on the price as I wasn't paying that day :D
Penguin sandwiches are very good.
Baby seal sandwiches are even better, though they are more of a club sandwich.
In the USA, and this is AFAIK, horsemeat appears most commonly in dog food.

I have heard of really poor elderly people on fixed incomes who eat dog food like it was corned beef hash - i.e. take it out of the can, grill it in a skillet. Supposedly with enough barbecue sauce, it is palatable that way.

I have never tried it myself knowingly. Since I've given up hamburgers in favor of chicken burgers, I doubt that any horsemeat will sneak into my diet.
I have no problems with eating horse meat provided I know it's horsemeat. What annoys me is the decption and false labelling of food stuffs. We have a right to know what we are eating.

In Sweden horse is often sold as "hamburger meat" so I was not surprised to see it being put into these items.

Of course a good meat market for horse flesh actually helps in the welfare of horses because it prevents horses and ponies being sold for giveaway prices to people that cant afford to look after them properly.
Horsemeat is just tip of an iceberg when it comes to what's inside ground meat. I work in packaging industry so I am interested in food business. I recommend seeing "food Inc.", great docummentary that shows how modern food is made. Yum!
I'm not sure about horse meat, but a large Mexican fast food restaurant has been under-fire for not having a high enough percentage of beef in their "meat" to call it "meat." "Who knows" what substances make up the mystery portion
I've never seen horse meat commercially sold in the US. Nor am I heard anyone eating it knowingly. I would eat, maybe depending on taste, though any red meat is a rarity.

What truly amazes me is people are content to eat food packed with chemicals, carcinogens, genetically modified products? They are OK with that or OK with being ignorant and unknowing.
Please switch over to plant-based food; 24/7/365.
What truly amazes me is people are content to eat food packed with chemicals, carcinogens, genetically modified products? They are OK with that or OK with being ignorant and unknowing.

Are those who promote the rejection of all genetically modified food OK with lying to the public or simply ignorant of the facts?

I used to donate money to GreenPeace until they started campaigning against GM and destroying GM research crops.
I live on sunlight. It gets processed by plants first then some is processed further by animals.
Not sure why Banderburg thanked Galaxiom when he plagiarised my thoughts!

Dont really see much of a problem with this really, doesnt really cause harm
Plants are what my food eats!!!

I'd probably give horsemeat a try, not sure about dog or cat though!
A restaurant in Victoria Australia put horse on the menu.

Soon a group of protesters picketed the restaurant. Eventually the proprietor started receiving death threats against his family and capitulated.

I have lived in a rural area for three decades. Other than those who used horses for working with cattle I have almost invariably found horse owners to be incredibly arrogant, pretentious people.

The experience of the restaurant owner reinforced my perspective.
There’s nothing wrong with black caviar, it’s just a bit expensive.

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Hmmm; Black Caviar on toasted Light Fingers with a ‘big red’ from the Tulloch stable.

Think I could eat a horse but would that make it a four horse meal? :confused:

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