Are you disputing the fact that if home borrowers wouldn't have made stupid decisions buying homes they couldn't afford, we wouldn't have had a problem? I push on this not to be argumentative, but to pull out an interesting point, the different perspectives people can have on cause and effect. Many problems are like this, too. They can be seen at the most basest root cause - someone made a bad decision of their own personally - or they can be seen as something 'down the line' - like, The government should have had a regulation to save them from making that stupid decision.
I just think we should get back to a society that emphasizes the former, not the least because 1) that's actually the truest and most right, but 2) it saves us from having to need a nanny government. You only need the babysitter to the extent the kids have not matured. And some of us are observing a society where the "kids" (citizens) are getting less and less mature.