As you earlier said, the Fed is not part of the government. You live in a world completely dominated by right wing propaganda. There is subject that you choose to agree with, other than the party line.
Do you really believe that you tactics score points with with normal people? Or are you so much like Trump you are content to only be recieved by the furthest right wing.
People like you are the main reason (actually symptom, you really aren't powerful enough to be an actual reason) for our divided nation.
A house divided... Is not great again, we were not great in the civil war, we were great in WWII.
All Trump, and by proxy, you, are interested in is dividing the nation, and blaming Democrats for every possible failing. Hed does that by playing on your personal contempt. There is actual evidence in these writing of how you believe that Liberals and Mexicans are sub human.
I feel sorry for you, I really do.
Actually I feel a little trepidation writing anything on here that could be cut up and misquoted. It is one of your favorite tools for sowing misinformation, and pretending you are always right.