Dr Jordan B Peterson Quotes

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:38
Jul 9, 2003
This thread is going to be video clips mostly I reckon, of Dr Jordan Peterson. Clips of Jordan expressing his wisdom. I called it quotes, for want of a better description. if you've got an idea let me know.

This clip is particularly relevant to the current political situation in America with the two main parties at each other's throats. I recently noticed talk about the possibility of the assassination of Donald Trump. That's why I thought this video was important.

I know from conversations with Americans that some families have relatives in both political camps, with much angst and anger between each of the camps to the point where it could destroy a family. I don't know what will happen if there is an assassination of a prominent member of either party, but it's not going to be good if it happens!

This guy is awesome. His patience and ability to keep his head while al around him, people are losing theirs, is truly inspiring.
Working with a bunch of guys, taking the piss out of each other, the commandery, the hilarious jokes and skits that get automatically generated when you take things to "near the knuckle", especially with the new guy who doesn't quite cotton on to what's going on! This is what I miss the most about my first couple of jobs.

When I joined the Navy back in 83, this is what was expected and if you lost your temper or got your feelings hurt, or even worse, was dumb enough to show it, it turned into a blood-letting.

Before I retired, it became taboo and punishable by NJP - non- judicial punishment
In this clip Joe Rogan asks Jordan why his books focus on the worst aspects of life. Jordan Peterson explains that practically everyone will have a bad patch to get through, and that's when they will need is advice most.

And in this clip with Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson is pressed by Joe why do you say "aim low enough?" Normally we are advised to aim high! This Joe Rogan has a flare for setting things out I reckon!

Jordan Peterson has once again made the headlines. Additionally, Peterson has made numerous appearance in the thread Canadian Truckers Inflame the "Deep State". Canada seems to have developed a very Orwellian streak. This thread seemed to be the best place for the video below.
He should come here to the wide open border US and get a license here and tell Canada they can keep his license. Simple as that. They can never completely control him here. Now if he is set on remaining in Canada, then he should still refuse and immediately switch gears into politics and run them out of office. Then, he will have the last laugh. I would love to see him do that as would many Canadians.
I was trying to think of something to say about this video clip. Looking at it from the evolutionary perspective, people who didn't get up and get on with things would have died out.

Dr Jordan Peterson nails it again! We are in no danger from the woke leftists people. There is a simple strategy to defeat them!

My understanding, which might very well be wrong or at least simplistic is that Jordan Peterson measures humans by their biological needs and desires.

Following the biology brings Jordan Peterson to understand human value systems are based on biology.

I can't even begin to explain what I'm trying to say... I suggest you watch the video and maybe you can tell me!


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