DSum for running totals of groups.

I forgot to mention that I added a column to TransmasTotalsCornQ2 and the other queries TransmasTotalsBeansQ2 and TransmasTotalsWheatQ2 that will show the commodity for each record in case it has to be evaluated in the Select Case statement.
you can make the function more generic, so it can accommodate the
three queries:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function fnRunTotal(QueryName As String, FieldNameToSum As String, FiscalMonth As Long, CropYear As Long) As Double

    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
        "select [" & FieldNameToSum & "] as expr1, [fiscalmonth] from [" & QueryName & "] " & _
        "where [cropyr] = " & CropYear & " order by [cropyr], [fiscalmonth];")
        If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
            .FindFirst "[fiscalmonth] = " & FiscalMonth
            If Not .NoMatch Then
                fnRunTotal = fnRunTotal + !expr1
                While Not .BOF
                    fnRunTotal = fnRunTotal + !expr1
            End If
        End If
    End With

End Function
now all we need to do is edit the running total column of the query and change it to:
RunTotal: fnRunTotal("TransmasTotalsCornQ2","Sum Of Totbush",[FiscalMonth],[CropYr])
the first parameter is the queryName you wish to process.
the second param is the field you want to total.
the last two are same as before.
Works Great!!! Thanks again.

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