I would think the information wouldn't be that relevant, especially if the references to it are so obscure that you need the author to tell you about it after the last book has been published.
I would think the information wouldn't be that relevant, especially if the references to it are so obscure that you need the author to tell you about it after the last book has been published.
Having read the books and seen the movies to date, including the one in which Dumbledore bites the big one (#6), there were no clues. Haven't gotten to #7 yet.
However, I'm not surprised that J K Rowling would know that detail. In my own amateur writing, I often find it necessary to define a not-generally-known fact about one of my characters in order to decide motivation in a given scenario. Whether that fact ever comes out in a later story is not predictable until I get into the next story in sequence.
You mean you didn't know? Look at the photo in the back ground? How many photos do you have of your mates like that, hmmm. Why did they never go out with any girls? And Bert loved walking in on Earnie in the bath. The little lovers spats they had.
All adds up, they were breaking the boundaries for gay puppets everywhere.
actually she had a "decent" reason imho to drop this now. they are working ont he 6th movie filming scripting and whatnot and they were going to add intot he script a love interest for Dumbledore. Rowling said that that would not be a good idea because of his orientation. I heard that on G4TV as being her reason.