no idea why forum members think it's impossible to do what you say you did,
Let me try to describe in short how the dynamical forms work. Some parts I will skip on the moment, because it will disturb all the readers too much, I suppose.
I have a table "A_Veld_tbl" with all the fields from all tables in the application. See before.
I have also a dynamical form with only a number of hidden controls. They are already prepared that the most important events of the control (Enter, Click, Exit, Keydown, Mousedown, ...) have already a procedure defined in a linked General database, resp. On_ctl_Enter, On_ctl_Click, On_ctl_Exit etc. (but the name itself is not important.)
As an example I will define an continuous form.
From A_Veld_tbl I select the records with Item = "Persoon" and Overzicht = TRUE.
Using this recordset I make the systematically named control visible, give them the needed width (Breedte), and make the visible. Also each control is tagged with the corresponding "A_Veld_id", a kind of binding to the originating field.
The RecordSource of the form is set, mostly using a predefined (but automatically generated) join-construction, and completed with a WHERE-clause and ORDER-clause, also defined in A_veld_tbl.
In my applications Overzicht-forms are not editable. But for this example suppose they are, and you want to edit a certain control.
As soon as you enter a control, it gets the focus, but also its current value is stored in a global "Veldwaarde", and the corresponding A_veld_rec is opened using the tagged A_veld_id. Now all is known about the field!!!
During typing a new value all kind of corrections can already be done.
When finished, the On_ctl_Exit procedure is runned.
First line in this Sub is to exit when the control's value = Veldwaarde: nothing has changed.
If the control is changed, the new value is verified against the "BeforeUpdate conditions". If these are violated, the Cancel = TRUE, and the Sub is exited.
With no violations the new value is stored, in the appropriate table in the appropriate field (available in A_veld_rec), and "AfterUpdate actions" are carried out.
This in a bird's-eye view. Applicable for any Item in any application, using the definition tables A_Veld_tbl and A_befores_tbl.
Result is a kind of Dataview form, with all flexibility of the Dataview form, but also with all the constraints necessary to build a robust database system.
I can describe many more aspect of the use of dynamical forms.