Quote from post #1:
As already written in #36, I also use forms from time to time that provide (show) dynamically required controls. However, these forms always have a specific task for me, they just look different or have different control source. Example: Attributes of an article that are different depending on the article group (different names, look-up data, etc.).
If I want to react to an event for an attribute, I intercept this in the form and use the attribute code to check whether something should be done.
This is sufficient for my case, as the number of attributes is manageable.
This would be nothing for a generally usable form.
How do you design this in your form?
I don't know why some posts talk about advertising for the marketing of a framework. From the quote above, I understand that you want to share ideas about the design. Am I wrong about this?Now finally my question. I am looking for developpers that work in the same area, to share ideas, and to improve the whole process, or articles that cover the same approach.
As already written in #36, I also use forms from time to time that provide (show) dynamically required controls. However, these forms always have a specific task for me, they just look different or have different control source. Example: Attributes of an article that are different depending on the article group (different names, look-up data, etc.).
If I want to react to an event for an attribute, I intercept this in the form and use the attribute code to check whether something should be done.
Private Sub txtAttributeValueTxt_GotFocus()
Dim AttributeCode As String
Dim ...
AttributeCode = Me!fiAttributeCode.Value
If AttributeCode = "ProductionLock" Then
' (open dialog form to select lock state, description, ...)
ElseIf ....
This would be nothing for a generally usable form.
How do you design this in your form?
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